在立方体上设置法线或UV,并向 3D 实体添加材质


为了在照明上有一个很好的视觉外观,我们需要为每个顶点指定法线信息,为了有更好的细节,我们还可以使用法线和漫反射贴图 (当然你可以使用阴影/镜面贴图) 来执行每像素法线/颜色。VertexElement实现了每个顶点的信息,如法线或顶点颜色。在 Aspose.3D 中,我们可以将额外的信息映射到控制点/多边形顶点/多边形/边,这是一个为顶点定义法线的示例:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-3d/Aspose.3D-for-.NET
// Raw normal data
Vector4[] normals = new Vector4[]
new Vector4(-0.577350258,-0.577350258, 0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4( 0.577350258,-0.577350258, 0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4( 0.577350258, 0.577350258, 0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4(-0.577350258, 0.577350258, 0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4(-0.577350258,-0.577350258,-0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4( 0.577350258,-0.577350258,-0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4( 0.577350258, 0.577350258,-0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4(-0.577350258, 0.577350258,-0.577350258, 1.0)
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.CreateMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
VertexElementNormal elementNormal = mesh.CreateElement(VertexElementType.Normal, MappingMode.ControlPoint, ReferenceMode.Direct) as VertexElementNormal;
// Copy the data to the vertex element



在这里,我们只定义了4个UV坐标,但是通过使用索引将它们应用于24个多边形顶点 (每个多边形6面 * 4个顶点)。 Aspose.3D 提供5种映射模式:

  • ControlPoint -每个数据都映射到几何图形的控制点。
  • PolygonVertex -数据映射到多边形的顶点。
  • Polygon -数据映射到多边形。
  • Edge -数据映射到边缘。
  • AllSame -映射到整个几何图形的一个数据。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-3d/Aspose.3D-for-.NET
// UVs
Vector4[] uvs = new Vector4[]
new Vector4( 0.0, 1.0,0.0, 1.0),
new Vector4( 1.0, 0.0,0.0, 1.0),
new Vector4( 0.0, 0.0,0.0, 1.0),
new Vector4( 1.0, 1.0,0.0, 1.0)
// Indices of the uvs per each polygon
int[] uvsId = new int[]
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.CreateMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
// Create UVset
VertexElementUV elementUV = mesh.CreateElementUV(TextureMapping.Diffuse, MappingMode.PolygonVertex, ReferenceMode.IndexToDirect);
// Copy the data to the UV vertex element

将材质添加到 3D 个对象

Aspose.3D for .NET 允许开发人员使用着色算法实现精确的着色和高光。Phong有几个地图输入,我们可以用它来屏蔽节点的效果。基于物理的渲染 (PBR) 考虑了对象的一些物理属性,这种方法提供了真实世界中材质的外观。



// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-3d/Aspose.3D-for-.NET
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Initialize cube node object
Node cubeNode = new Node("cube");
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.CreateMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
// Point node to the mesh
cubeNode.Entity = mesh;
// Add cube to the scene
// Initiallize PhongMaterial object
PhongMaterial mat = new PhongMaterial();
// Initiallize Texture object
Texture diffuse = new Texture();
// The path to the documents directory.
// Set local file path
diffuse.FileName = RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath("surface.dds");
// Set Texture of the material
mat.SetTexture("DiffuseColor", diffuse);
// Embed raw content data to FBX (only for FBX and optional)
// Set file name
diffuse.FileName = "embedded-texture.png";
// Set binary content
diffuse.Content = File.ReadAllBytes(RunExamples.GetDataFilePath("aspose-logo.jpg"));
// Set color
mat.SpecularColor = new Vector3(Color.Red);
// Set brightness
mat.Shininess = 100;
// Set material property of the cube object
cubeNode.Material = mat;
// Save 3D scene in the supported file formats


将基于物理的渲染 (PBR) 材料应用于盒子

PBR在游戏引擎视觉效果中起着关键作用,它通过衰减亮度和反射光的散射来有效且逼真地渲染光和表面之间的相互作用。开发人员可以使用 Aspose.3D API 将PBR材质应用于场景中的 3D 对象。此代码示例演示如何创建Box对象,然后应用PBR材质。

.NET, C#

 // initialize a scene

Scene scene = new Scene();

// initialize PBR material object

PbrMaterial mat = new PbrMaterial();

// an almost metal material

mat.MetallicFactor = 0.9;

// material surface is very rough

mat.RoughnessFactor = 0.9;

// create a box to which the material will be applied

var boxNode = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("box", new Box());

boxNode.Material = mat;

// save 3d scene into STL format

scene.Save(@"C:\3D\PBR_Material_Box_Out.stl", FileFormat.STLASCII);