- Convert Excel to HTML with headings
- Disable Downlevel Revealed Comments while saving to HTML
- Exclude Unused Styles during Excel to HTML conversion
- Export Comments while Saving Excel file to HTML
- Export Document Workbook and Worksheet Properties in Excel to HTML conversion
- Export print area range to HTML
- AutoFit Columns and Rows while loading HTML in Workbook
- Export similar Border Style when Border Style is not supported by Web Browsers
- Export Worksheet CSS Separately in Output HTML
- Load Html to Excel with StreamProvider
- Prevent Exporting Hidden Worksheet Contents on Saving to HTML
- Hiding Overlaid Content with CrossHideRight while saving to HTML
- Excel to HTML - Use PresentationPreference Option for Better Layout
- Prefix Table Elements Styles with HtmlSaveOptions.TableCssId property
- Recognise self closing tags
- Save Html With StreamProvider
- Set column width to scalable unit like em or percent
- Specify how to cross string in output HTML using HtmlCrossType
- Convert Excel to HTML with tooltip
- Disable Exporting Frame Scripts and Document Properties
- Change the HTML Link Target Type
- Avoid exponential notation of large numbers while importing from HTML
- Delete redundant spaces after line break while importing HTML
- Export DataBar, ColorScale and IconSet Conditional Formatting while Excel to HTML Conversion
- Export Excel to HTML with GridLines
- Support the layout of DIV tags while loading HTML to excel workbook
- Expanding text from right to left while exporting Excel file to HTML
- Set Default Font while rendering spreadsheet to HTML
- Provide exported worksheet HTML file path via IFilePathProvider interface
- Render Gradient Fill for the WordArt while Converting Spreadsheets to HTML