Public API Changes in Aspose.Cells 8.8.0

Added APIs

Get Cell References for External Connection

Aspose.Cells for Java 8.8.0 has exposed the following new properties that are helpful in retrieving the target & output cell references for external connections stored in the spreadsheet.

  1. QueryTable.ConnectionId: Gets the connection Id of the query table.
  2. ExternalConnection.Id: Gets the Id of the external connection.
  3. ListObject.QueryTable: Gets the linked QueryTable.

Added HTMLLoadOptions.KeepPrecision Property

Aspose.Cells for Java 8.8.0 has added the HTMLLoadOptions.KeepPrecision property in order to control the conversion of long numeric values to exponential notation while importing HTML files. By default, any value longer than 15 digits gets converted to exponential notation if the data is being imported from HTML string or file. However, now the users can control this behaviour with the help of HTMLLoadOptions.KeepPrecision property. If the said property is set to true, the values will be imported as they are in the source.

Following is the simple usage scenario.


 //Sample Html containing large number with digits greater than 15

String html = "<html>"

		+ "<body>"

		+ "<p>1234567890123456</p>"

		+ "</body>"

		+ "</html>";

//Convert Html to byte array

byte[] byteArray = html.getBytes();

//Set Html load options and keep precision true

HTMLLoadOptions loadOptions = new HTMLLoadOptions(LoadFormat.HTML);


//Convert byte array into stream stream = new;

//Create workbook from stream with Html load options

Workbook workbook = new Workbook(stream, loadOptions);

//Access first worksheet

Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);

//Auto fit the sheet columns


//Save the workbook + "output.xlsx", SaveFormat.XLSX);

Added HTMLLoadOptions.DeleteRedundantSpaces Property

Aspose.Cells for Java 8.8.0 has exposed the HTMLLoadOptions.DeleteRedundantSpaces property in order to keep or delete the extra spaces after the line break tag (
Tag) while importing the data from the HTML string or file. The HTMLLoadOptions.DeleteRedundantSpaces property has the default value as false that means, all extra spaces will be preserved and imported to the Workbook object, however, when set to true, the API will delete all the redundant spaces coming after the line break tag.

Simple usage scenario looks as follow.


 //Sample Html containing redundant spaces after <br> tag

String html = "<html>"

		+ "<body>"

			+ "<table>"

				+ "<tr>"

					+ "<td>"

						+ "<br>    This is sample data"

						+ "<br>    This is sample data"

						+ "<br>    This is sample data"

					+ "</td>"

				+ "</tr>"

			+ "</table>"

		+ "</body>"

	+ "</html>";

//Convert Html to byte array

byte[] byteArray = html.getBytes();

//Set Html load options and keep precision true

HTMLLoadOptions loadOptions = new HTMLLoadOptions(LoadFormat.HTML);


//Convert byte array into stream stream = new;

//Create workbook from stream with Html load options

Workbook workbook = new Workbook(stream, loadOptions);

//Access first worksheet

Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);

//Auto fit the sheet columns


//Save the workbook + "output-" + loadOptions.getDeleteRedundantSpaces() + ".xlsx", SaveFormat.XLSX);

Added Style.QuotePrefix Property

Aspose.Cells for Java 8.8.0 has exposed the Style.QuotePrefix property in order to detect if a cell value starts with a single quote symbol.

Simple usage scenario looks as follow.


 //Create an instance of workbook

Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

//Access first worksheet from the collection

Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);

//Access cells A1 and A2

Cell a1 = worksheet.getCells().get("A1");

Cell a2 = worksheet.getCells().get("A2");

//Add simple text to cell A1 and text with quote prefix to cell A2



//Print their string values, A1 and A2 both are same

System.out.println("String value of A1: " + a1.getStringValue());

System.out.println("String value of A2: " + a2.getStringValue());

//Access styles of cells A1 and A2

Style s1 = a1.getStyle();

Style s2 = a2.getStyle();


//Check if A1 and A2 has a quote prefix

System.out.println("A1 has a quote prefix: " + s1.getQuotePrefix());

System.out.println("A2 has a quote prefix: " + s2.getQuotePrefix());

Obsoleted APIs

Obsoleted LoadOptions.ConvertNumericData Property

Aspose.Cells 8.8.0 has marked the LoadOptions.ConvertNumericData property as obsoleted. Please use the corresponding property from the HTMLLoadOptions or TxtLoadOptions classes.