Update references in other worksheets while deleting blank columns and rows in a worksheet
Update references in other worksheets while deleting blank columns and rows in a worksheet
Please see the following sample code and its console output. The cell E3 in the second worksheet has a formula =Sheet1!C3 which is referring to cell C3 in the first worksheet. If you will set DeleteOptions.UpdateReference property as true, this formula will be updated and become =Sheet1!A1 on deleting blank columns and rows in the first worksheet. However, if you will set DeleteOptions.UpdateReference property as false, the formula in cell E3 of the second worksheet will remain =Sheet1!C3 and become invalid.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(Updatereferencesinotherworksheetswhiledeletingblankcolumnsandrowsinworksheet.class); | |
//Create workbook | |
Workbook wb = new Workbook(); | |
//Add second sheet with name Sheet2 | |
wb.getWorksheets().add("Sheet2"); | |
//Access first sheet and add some integer value in cell C1 | |
//Also add some value in any cell to increase the number of blank rows and columns | |
Worksheet sht1 = wb.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
sht1.getCells().get("C1").putValue(4); | |
sht1.getCells().get("K30").putValue(4); | |
//Access second sheet and add formula in cell E3 which refers to cell C1 in first sheet | |
Worksheet sht2 = wb.getWorksheets().get(1); | |
sht2.getCells().get("E3").setFormula("'Sheet1'!C1"); | |
//Calculate formulas of workbook | |
wb.calculateFormula(); | |
//Print the formula and value of cell E3 in second sheet before deleting blank columns and rows in Sheet1. | |
System.out.println("Cell E3 before deleting blank columns and rows in Sheet1."); | |
System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------"); | |
System.out.println("Cell Formula: " + sht2.getCells().get("E3").getFormula()); | |
System.out.println("Cell Value: " + sht2.getCells().get("E3").getStringValue()); | |
//If you comment DeleteOptions.UpdateReference property below, then the formula in cell E3 in second sheet will not be updated | |
DeleteOptions opts = new DeleteOptions(); | |
//opts.setUpdateReference(true); | |
//Delete all blank rows and columns with delete options | |
sht1.getCells().deleteBlankColumns(opts); | |
sht1.getCells().deleteBlankRows(opts); | |
//Calculate formulas of workbook | |
wb.calculateFormula(); | |
//Print the formula and value of cell E3 in second sheet after deleting blank columns and rows in Sheet1. | |
System.out.println(""); | |
System.out.println(""); | |
System.out.println("Cell E3 after deleting blank columns and rows in Sheet1."); | |
System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------"); | |
System.out.println("Cell Formula: " + sht2.getCells().get("E3").getFormula()); | |
System.out.println("Cell Value: " + sht2.getCells().get("E3").getStringValue()); |
Console Output
This is the console output of the above sample code when DeleteOptions.UpdateReference property has been set as true.
Cell E3 before deleting blank columns and rows in Sheet1.
Cell Formula: =Sheet1!C1
Cell Value: 4
Cell E3 after deleting blank columns and rows in Sheet1.
Cell Formula: =Sheet1!A1
Cell Value: 4
This is the console output of the above sample code when DeleteOptions.UpdateReference property has been set as false. As you can see, the formula in cell E3 of the second worksheet is not updated and its cell value is now 0 instead of 4 which is invalid.
Cell E3 before deleting blank columns and rows in Sheet1.
Cell Formula: =Sheet1!C1
Cell Value: 4
Cell E3 after deleting blank columns and rows in Sheet1.
Cell Formula: =Sheet1!C1
Cell Value: 0