Formatting a Range of Cells

Setting Font & Style of a Range of Cells

Before we talk about formatting settings (that we have already talked a lot in our previous topics), we should know about how to create a range of cells. Well, we can create a range of cells using CellRange class whose constructor takes some parameters to specify the range of cells. We can specify the cells range using the Names or Row & Column Indices of start and end cells.

Once we have created a CellRange object then we can use the overloaded versions of SetStyle, SetFont & SetFontColor methods of Worksheet that can take a CellRange object to apply formatting settings on the specified range of cells.

Let’s check out an example to understand this basic concept.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Accessing the worksheet of the Grid that is currently active
Worksheet sheet = gridDesktop1.GetActiveWorksheet();
// Setting sample values
GridCell cell = sheet.Cells["b7"];
cell = sheet.Cells["c7"];
cell = sheet.Cells["d7"];
cell = sheet.Cells["e7"];
// Creating a CellRange object starting from "B7" to "E7"
CellRange range = new CellRange(6, 1, 6, 4);
// Accessing and setting Style attributes
Style style = new Style(this.gridDesktop1);
style.Color = Color.Yellow;
// Applying Style object on the range of cells
sheet.SetStyle(range, style);
// Creating a customized Font object
Font font = new Font("Courier New", 12f);
// Setting the font of range of cells to the customized Font object
sheet.SetFont(range, font);
// Setting the font color of range of cells to Red
sheet.SetFontColor(range, Color.Red);