Apply Custom Style Sheet to a Visio Diagram in PHP

Aspose.Diagram - Apply Custom Style Sheet to a Visio Diagram

To Apply Custom Style Sheet to a Visio Diagram using Aspose.Diagram Java for PHP, simply invoke ApplyCustomStyleSheet module. Here you can see example code.

PHP Code

 # Create instance of Diagram

$diagram = new Diagram($dataDir."Drawing.vsd");

$shapes =$diagram->getPages()->getPage(0)->getShapes();


while ($i<(int)(string)$shapes->getCount()) {


if($shape->getNameU()=="Process") {

$source_shape =$shape;



$i+= 1;


\# Find the required style sheet



while($j<(int)(string)$stylesheets->getCount()) {


if($stylesheet->getName() == "Basic") {

$custom_stylesheet = $stylesheet;



$j+= 1;


if ($source_shape!=null && $custom_stylesheet !=null) {

\# Apply text style


\# Apply fill style


\# Apply line style



\# Save diagram

$saveFileFormat=new SaveFileFormat();

$diagram->save($dataDir."ApplyCustomStyleSheet.vdx", $saveFileFormat->VDX);

print "Applied custom stylesheet to a visio diagram.".PHP_EOL;

Download Running Code

Download Apply Custom Style Sheet to a Visio Diagram (Aspose.Diagram) from any of the below mentioned social coding sites: