Configure Shape Objects with Layers in Visio in PHP

Aspose.Diagram - Configure Shape Objects with Layers

To Configure Shape Objects with Layers using Aspose.Diagram Java for PHP, simply invoke ConfigureShapeWithLayers module. Here you can see example code.

PHP Code

 # Create instance of Diagram

$diagram = new Diagram($dataDir . "Drawing.vsd");

$shapes = $diagram->getPages()->getPage("Flow 1")->getShapes();

$i = 0;

while ($i<(int)(string)$shapes->getCount()) {


#puts shape.getName().to_s

if ($shape->getName() == "Process") {

\# Add shape1 in first two layers. Here "0;1" are indexes of the layers

$layer = $shape->getLayerMem();



elseif ($shape->getName()=="Preparation"){

\# Remove shape2 from all the layers

$layer = $shape->getLayerMem();





\# Save diagram

$saveFileFormat=new SaveFileFormat();

$diagram->save($dataDir . "Layers.vdx", $saveFileFormat->VDX);

print "Configured Shape Objects with Layers in Visio.".PHP_EOL;

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