
Evaluation Version Limitations

A free evaluation version of Aspose.Cells for C++ can be downloaded from the downloads section of Aspose’s web site at:

Apply License using File or Stream Object

The license can be loaded from a file or stream object. Aspose.Cells for C++ will try to find the license in the following locations:

  1. Explicit path.
  2. The folder that contains Aspose.Cells.dll.
  3. The folder that contains the assembly that called Aspose.Cells.dll.
  4. The folder that contains the entry assembly (your .exe).
  5. An embedded resource in the assembly that called Aspose.Cells.dll.

The easiest way to set a license is to put the license file in the same folder as the Aspose.Cells.dll file and specify the file name, without a path, as shown in the example below.

Loading a License from File

The easiest way to apply a license is to put the license file in the same folder as the Aspose.Cells.dll file and specify just the file name without a path.


  License license;

Loading a License from a Stream Object

The following example shows how to load a license from a stream.


  License license;

  //You need to write your own code to read the contents of the license file into this variable.
  Vector<uint8_t> myStream{0}; //"Aspose.Cells.lic"
