
This element defines a group of questions with multiple evaluation criteria. The marked criteria for each question are summarized upon recognition and the resulting value is used as an answer for the question.

ScoreGroupConfig content is organized in a tabular view for better readability.


ScoreGroupConfig element is declared as an instance of ScoreGroupConfig class. Reference Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config.Elements.ScoreGroup and Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config.Enums namespaces to use ScoreGroupConfig types without specifying the fully qualified namespace:

using Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config.Elements.ScoreGroup;
using Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config.Enums;

Questions are provided as a list of ScoreQuestionConfig objects in the Children property.

new ScoreGroupConfig() {
	Children = new List<BaseConfig>() {
		 * Put one or more ScoreQuestionConfig elements here

ScoreGroup structure

Required properties

Name Type Description
children List<BaseConfig> A list of ScoreQuestionConfig objects representing the questions.

Optional properties

Name Type Default value Description
Name string n/a Used as an element’s identifier and as a reminder of the element’s purpose in template source; for example, "Satisfaction survey".
This text is not displayed on the form.
ScoreGroupType ScoreGroupType ScoreGroupType.Table Layout of the ScoreGroup element.
This property is reserved for future use.

ScoreQuestionConfig element

This element defines the question to be rated based on the underlying criteria.

ScoreQuestionConfig element is declared as an instance of ScoreQuestionConfig class.

Question text is provided in the Name property.

Criteria, bubbles and custom content for the question are organized in a tabular view. The number of columns and their relative proportions are provided in Proportions list.

ScoreQuestionConfig element includes ScoreHeaderConfig, ScoreAnswerConfig, and optional TableContentConfig objects in the Children property.

	new ScoreQuestionConfig() {
		Proportions = new List<int>() {10, 10, 10, 70},
		Children = new List<BaseConfig>() {
			 * Put table structure and criteria elements here

Required properties

Name Type Description
Name string Question text.
Proportions List<int> Criteria, bubbles and custom content for the question are organized in a tabular view. This property specifies the number of columns and their relative proportions.
The number of columns is determined by the number of list items. Column widths (in percent) are provided as list items. The grand total of all column widths must not exceed 100%.
Children List<BaseConfig> A list of ScoreHeaderConfig, ScoreAnswerConfig, and optional TableContentConfig objects representing the criteria structure.

Optional properties

Name Type Default value Description
ScoreDisplay ScoreDisplay ScoreDisplay.DontDisplay Defines how to display the numeric score for each evaluation criterion (value of the Score property of ScoreAnswerConfig element).
FontFamily string “Segoe UI” The font family for the question text.
FontStyle FontStyle FontStyle.Regular The font style for the question text.
Several font styles can be combined with \| operator, for example FontStyle.Bold \| FontStyle.Italic.
FontSize int 12 Font size for the question text.

ScoreHeaderConfig element

This element defines the text that will be displayed in the header cell of the corresponding column and determines the content of that column.

ScoreHeaderConfig element is declared as an instance of ScoreHeaderConfig class.

Column header text is provided in the name property.

The HeaderType property determines what will be displayed inside the corresponding column (see property description for details).

new ScoreHeaderConfig() {
	Name = "Yes",
	HeaderType = ScoreHeaderType.Positive
Required properties
Name Type Description
name string Column header text.
HeaderType ScoreHeaderType Determines what will be displayed inside the corresponding column. This property can take one of the following values:
  • ScoreHeaderType.Positive (default) - draw a bubble that, if marked, will add the criteria score to the resulting score of the question.
  • ScoreHeaderType.Negative - draw a bubble that, if marked, will be ignored.
  • ScoreHeaderType.Amount - show the criterion score in the corresponding column. Requires ScoreDisplay property of the parent ScoreQuestionConfig element to be set to ScoreDisplay.DisplayAsExtraColumn.
  • ScoreHeaderType.Question - moves the first column with criteria to this position. All other columns are shifted to the left.
  • ScoreHeaderType.Content - fills the column with the value of TableContentConfig element.
Optional properties
Name Type Default value Description
FontFamily string “Segoe UI” The font family for the header text.
FontStyle FontStyle FontStyle.Regular The font style for the header text.
Several font styles can be combined with \| operator, for example FontStyle.Bold \| FontStyle.Italic.
FontSize int 12 Font size for the header text.
Alignment AlignmentEnum AlignmentEnum.Left Horizontal text alignment.

ScoreAnswerConfig element

This element defines the evaluation criterion.

ScoreAnswerConfig element is declared as an instance of ScoreAnswerConfig class.

Criterion text is provided in the Name property.

The score (weight) of the criterion that is used for calculation is provided in the Score property.

new ScoreHeaderConfig() {
	Name = "Criterion",
	Score = 1
Required properties
Name Type Description
Name string Criterion text.
Score int The score (weight) of the criterion that is used for calculation.
Optional properties
Name Type Default value Description
FontFamily string “Segoe UI” The font family for the criterion text.
FontStyle FontStyle FontStyle.Regular The font style for the criterion text.
Several font styles can be combined with \| operator, for example FontStyle.Bold \| FontStyle.Italic.
FontSize int 12 Font size for the criterion text.
Alignment AlignmentEnum AlignmentEnum.Left Horizontal text alignment.

TableContentConfig element

This optional element allows you to define the content of the custom column declared with ScoreHeaderConfig element with the HeaderType property equals to ScoreHeaderType.Content.

TableContentConfig element is declared as an instance of TableContentConfig class.

The text to be put in the custom column is provided in the Name property.

The column and row numbers to insert the text into are provided in Column and Row properties respectively.

new TableContentConfig() {
	Name = "Text",
	Column = 1,
	Row = 1
Required properties
Name Type Description
Name string Text to be inserted at the given position.
Column int Determines the column number to insert the text into.
Note, that the column must be declared with ScoreHeaderConfig element with the HeaderType property equals to ScoreHeaderType.Content.
Row int Determines the row number to insert the text into.
This value must not exceed the number of ScoreAnswerConfig elements!
Optional properties
Name Type Default value Description
FontFamily string “Segoe UI” The font family for the text.
FontStyle FontStyle FontStyle.Regular The font style for the text.
Several font styles can be combined with \| operator, for example FontStyle.Bold \| FontStyle.Italic.
FontSize int 12 Font size for the text.
Alignment AlignmentEnum AlignmentEnum.Left Horizontal text alignment.


Check out the code examples to see how ScoreGroupConfig elements can be used.

Customer satisfaction survey

TemplateConfig templateConfig = new TemplateConfig() {
	Children=new List<BaseConfig>() {
		new PageConfig() {
			Children = new List<BaseConfig>() {
				new ScoreGroupConfig() {
					Children = new List<BaseConfig>() {
						new ScoreQuestionConfig() {
							Name = "How would you rate our services?",
							Proportions = new List<int>() {80, 10, 10},
							FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
							Children = new List<BaseConfig>() {
								new ScoreHeaderConfig() {
									Name = "Yes",
									HeaderType = ScoreHeaderType.Positive,
									FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
									Alignment = AlignmentEnum.Center
								new ScoreHeaderConfig() {
									Name = "No",
									HeaderType = ScoreHeaderType.Negative,
									FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
									Alignment = AlignmentEnum.Center
								new ScoreAnswerConfig() {
									Name = "The staff was friendly and helpful",
									Score = 1
								new ScoreAnswerConfig() {
									Name = "The staff responded quickly",
									Score = 1
								new ScoreAnswerConfig() {
									Name = "Management was available to solve problems",
									Score = 1

Customer satisfaction survey with score_group

Recognition result

How would you rate our services?_total, "2"
Satisfaction survey_total, "2"

Custom column ordering

TemplateConfig templateConfig = new TemplateConfig() {
	Children=new List<BaseConfig>() {
		new PageConfig() {
			Children = new List<BaseConfig>() {
				new ScoreGroupConfig() {
					Children = new List<BaseConfig>() {
						new ScoreQuestionConfig() {
							Name = "How would you rate our services?",
							Proportions = new List<int>() {10, 10, 10, 70},
							ScoreDisplay = ScoreDisplay.DisplayAsExtraColumn,
							FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
							Children = new List<BaseConfig>() {
								new ScoreHeaderConfig() {
									Name = "Score",
									HeaderType = ScoreHeaderType.Amount,
									FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
									Alignment = AlignmentEnum.Center
								new ScoreHeaderConfig() {
									Name = "Yes",
									HeaderType = ScoreHeaderType.Positive,
									FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
									Alignment = AlignmentEnum.Center
								new ScoreHeaderConfig() {
									Name = "No",
									HeaderType = ScoreHeaderType.Negative,
									FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
									Alignment = AlignmentEnum.Center
								new ScoreHeaderConfig() {
									Name = "How would you rate our services?",
									HeaderType = ScoreHeaderType.Question
								new ScoreAnswerConfig() {
									Name = "The staff was friendly and helpful",
									Score = 1
								new ScoreAnswerConfig() {
									Name = "The staff responded quickly",
									Score = 3
								new ScoreAnswerConfig() {
									Name = "Management was available to solve problems",
									Score = 2

Custom score_group column ordering