
Layout elements are used to arrange other elements and define the appearance and design of the OMR form.

Layout elements themselves are not recognized by Aspose.OMR; however, they may contain elements that are recognized.

Default arrangement of elements

All form elements are rendered one below the other and occupy the entire width of the page or the parent element.

Default arrangement of elements

Layout elements

Each element is defined as an instance of the corresponding class.

  • PageConfig
    This element is used to break large forms into several pages that are recognized as a single document.
  • ContainerConfig
    This element is used to break content into columns and to add a footer to the form.
  • BlockConfig
    This element is used to organize other elements in container columns.
  • TextConfig
    This element is used to add one or more lines of text to the form. Can only be used at the top level of the form hierarchy.
  • ContentConfig
    This element is used to add a line of text to the parent element. Can only be used inside other elements.
  • EmptyLineConfig
    This element is used to add vertical spacing between elements.
  • ImageConfig
    This element is used to add a picture.
  • ParagraphConfig
    This element is used to combine text and images.
  • InputGroup
    This element is used to insert personalized information, such as the respondent’s name or email, into the form.