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The following code snippet also work with Aspose.PDF.Drawing library.
The FormEditor class SetFieldLimit(field, limit) method allows you to set a field limit, the maximum number of characters that can be entered into a field.
// For complete examples and data files, visit
private static void SetFieldLimit()
// The path to the documents directory
var dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Forms();
// Create FormEditor instance
using (var form = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.FormEditor())
// Bind PDF document
form.BindPdf(dataDir + "input.pdf");
// Set field limit for "textbox1"
form.SetFieldLimit("textbox1", 15);
// Save PDF document
form.Save(dataDir + "SetFieldLimit_out.pdf");
Similarly, Aspose.PDF has a method that gets the field limit using the DOM approach. The following code snippet shows the steps.
// For complete examples and data files, visit
private static void GetFieldLimitUsingDOM()
// The path to the documents directory
var dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Forms();
// Open PDF document
using (var document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(dataDir + "FieldLimit.pdf"))
// Get the field and its maximum limit
if (document.Form["textbox1"] is Aspose.Pdf.Forms.TextBoxField textBoxField)
Console.WriteLine("Limit: " + textBoxField.MaxLen);
You can also get the same value using the Aspose.Pdf.Facades namespace using the following code snippet.
// For complete examples and data files, visit
private static void GetFieldLimitUsingFacades()
// The path to the documents directory
var dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Forms();
// Create Form instance
using (var form = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Form())
// Bind PDF document
form.BindPdf(dataDir + "FieldLimit.pdf");
// Get the field limit for "textbox1"
Console.WriteLine("Limit: " + form.GetFieldLimit("textbox1"));
Form fields in Adobe PDF files can be configured to use specific default fonts. In the early versions of Aspose.PDF, only the 14 default fonts were supported. Later releases allowed developers to apply any font. To set and update the default font used for form fields, use the DefaultAppearance(Font font, double size, Color color) class. This class can be found under the Aspose.Pdf.InteractiveFeatures namespace. To use this object, use the Field class DefaultAppearance property.
The following code snippet shows how to set the default font for PDF form fields.
// For complete examples and data files, visit
private static void SetFormFieldFont()
// The path to the documents directory
var dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Forms();
// Open PDF document
using (var document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(dataDir + "FormFieldFont14.pdf"))
// Get particular form field from document
if (document.Form["textbox1"] is Aspose.Pdf.Forms.Field field)
// Create font object
var font = Aspose.Pdf.Text.FontRepository.FindFont("ComicSansMS");
// Set the font information for form field
field.DefaultAppearance = new Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.DefaultAppearance(font, 10, System.Drawing.Color.Black);
// Save PDF document
document.Save(dataDir + "FormFieldFont14_out.pdf");
All the form fields are contained in the Document object’s Form collection. This collection provides different methods that manage form fields, including the Delete method. If you want to delete a particular field, pass the field name as a parameter to the Delete method and then save the updated PDF document. The following code snippet shows how to delete a particular field from a PDF document.
// For complete examples and data files, visit
private static void DeleteFormField()
// The path to the documents directory
var dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Forms();
// Open PDF document
using (var document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(dataDir + "DeleteFormField.pdf"))
// Delete a particular field by name
// Save PDF document
document.Save(dataDir + "DeleteFormField_out.pdf");
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