Convert PowerPoint to Video

By converting your PowerPoint presentation to video, you get

  • Increase in accessibility: All devices (regardless of platform) are equipped with video players by default compared to presentation-opening applications, so users find it easier to open or play videos.
  • More reach: Through videos, you can reach a large audience and target them with information that might otherwise seem tedious in a presentation. Most surveys and statistics suggest that people watch and consume videos more than other forms of content, and they generally prefer such content.

PowerPoint to Video Conversion in Aspose.Slides

In Aspose.Slides 22.11, we implemented support for presentation to video conversion.

  • Use Aspose.Slides to generate a set of frames (from the presentation slides) that correspond to a certain FPS (frames per second)
  • Use a third-party utility like ffmpeg to create a video based on the frames.

Convert PowerPoint to Video

  1. Download ffmpeg here.
  2. Add path to ffmpeg.exe to environment variable PATH.
  3. Run the PowerPoint to video code.

This C++ code shows you how to convert a presentation (containing a figure and two animation effects) to a video:

void OnFrameTick(System::SharedPtr<PresentationPlayer> sender, System::SharedPtr<FrameTickEventArgs> args)
    System::String fileName = System::String::Format(u"frame_{0}.png", sender->get_FrameIndex());

void Run()
    auto presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
    auto slide = presentation->get_Slide(0);

    // Adds a smile shape and then animates it
    System::SharedPtr<IAutoShape> smile = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::SmileyFace, 110.0f, 20.0f, 500.0f, 500.0f);
    auto sequence = slide->get_Timeline()->get_MainSequence();
    System::SharedPtr<IEffect> effectIn = sequence->AddEffect(smile, EffectType::Fly, EffectSubtype::TopLeft, EffectTriggerType::AfterPrevious);
    System::SharedPtr<IEffect> effectOut = sequence->AddEffect(smile, EffectType::Fly, EffectSubtype::BottomRight, EffectTriggerType::AfterPrevious);

    const int32_t fps = 33;

    auto animationsGenerator = System::MakeObject<PresentationAnimationsGenerator>(presentation);
    auto player = System::MakeObject<PresentationPlayer>(animationsGenerator, fps);
    player->FrameTick += OnFrameTick;

    const System::String ffmpegParameters = System::String::Format(
        u"-loglevel {0} -framerate {1} -i {2} -y -c:v {3} -pix_fmt {4} {5}",
        u"warning", m_fps, "frame_%d.png", u"libx264", u"yuv420p", "video.mp4");
    auto ffmpegProcess = System::Diagnostics::Process::Start(u"ffmpeg", ffmpegParameters);

Video Effects

You can apply animations to objects on slides and use transitions between slides.

Animations and transitions make slideshows more engaging and interesting—and they do the same thing for videos. Let’s add another slide and transition to the code for the previous presentation:

// Adds a smile shape and animates it

// ...

// Adds a new slide and animated transition

System::SharedPtr<ISlide> newSlide = presentation->get_Slides()->AddEmptySlide(presentation->get_Slide(0)->get_LayoutSlide());

System::SharedPtr<IBackground> slideBackground = newSlide->get_Background();


auto fillFormat = slideBackground->get_FillFormat();




Aspose.Slides also supports animation for texts. So we animate paragraphs on objects, which will appear one after the other (with the delay set to a second):

void OnFrameTick(System::SharedPtr<PresentationPlayer> sender, System::SharedPtr<FrameTickEventArgs> args)
    System::String fileName = System::String::Format(u"frame_{0}.png", sender->get_FrameIndex());

void Run()
    auto presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
    auto slide = presentation->get_Slide(0);

    // Adds text and animations
    System::SharedPtr<IAutoShape> autoShape = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 210.0f, 120.0f, 300.0f, 300.0f);
    System::SharedPtr<Paragraph> para1 = System::MakeObject<Paragraph>();
    para1->get_Portions()->Add(System::MakeObject<Portion>(u"Aspose Slides for C++"));
    System::SharedPtr<Paragraph> para2 = System::MakeObject<Paragraph>();
    para2->get_Portions()->Add(System::MakeObject<Portion>(u"convert PowerPoint Presentation with text to video"));

    System::SharedPtr<Paragraph> para3 = System::MakeObject<Paragraph>();
    para3->get_Portions()->Add(System::MakeObject<Portion>(u"paragraph by paragraph"));
    auto paragraphs = autoShape->get_TextFrame()->get_Paragraphs();

    auto sequence = slide->get_Timeline()->get_MainSequence();
    System::SharedPtr<IEffect> effect = sequence->AddEffect(para1, EffectType::Appear, EffectSubtype::None, EffectTriggerType::AfterPrevious);

    System::SharedPtr<IEffect> effect2 = sequence->AddEffect(para2, EffectType::Appear, EffectSubtype::None, EffectTriggerType::AfterPrevious);

    System::SharedPtr<IEffect> effect3 = sequence->AddEffect(para3, EffectType::Appear, EffectSubtype::None, EffectTriggerType::AfterPrevious);

    System::SharedPtr<IEffect> effect4 = sequence->AddEffect(para3, EffectType::Appear, EffectSubtype::None, EffectTriggerType::AfterPrevious);


    // Converts frames to video
    const int32_t fps = 33;

    auto animationsGenerator = System::MakeObject<PresentationAnimationsGenerator>(presentation);
    auto player = System::MakeObject<PresentationPlayer>(animationsGenerator, fps);
    player->FrameTick += OnFrameTick;

    const System::String ffmpegParameters = System::String::Format(
        u"-loglevel {0} -framerate {1} -i {2} -y -c:v {3} -pix_fmt {4} {5}",
        u"warning", m_fps, "frame_%d.png", u"libx264", u"yuv420p", "video.mp4");
    auto ffmpegProcess = System::Diagnostics::Process::Start(u"ffmpeg", ffmpegParameters);

Video Conversion Classes

To allow you to perform PowerPoint to video conversion tasks, Aspose.Slides provides the PresentationAnimationsGenerator and PresentationPlayer classes.

PresentationAnimationsGenerator allows you to set the frame size for the video (that will be created later) through its constructor. If you pass an instance of the presentation, Presentation.SlideSize will be used and it generates animations that PresentationPlayer uses.

When animations are generated, a NewAnimation event is generated for each subsequent animation, which has the IPresentationAnimationPlayer parameter. The latter is a class that represents a player for a separate animation.

To work with IPresentationAnimationPlayer, the get_Duration (the full duration of the animation) property and SetTimePosition method are used. Each animation position is set within the 0 to duration range, and then the GetFrame method will return a Bitmap that corresponds to the animation state at that moment.

void OnNewAnimation(System::SharedPtr<IPresentationAnimationPlayer> animationPlayer)
    System::Console::WriteLine(u"Total animation duration: {0}", animationPlayer->get_Duration());

    // initial animation state
    System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Bitmap> bitmap = animationPlayer->GetFrame();
    // initial animation state bitmap

    // final state of the animation
    System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::Bitmap> lastBitmap = animationPlayer->GetFrame();
    // last frame of the animation

void Run()
    auto presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
    auto slide = presentation->get_Slide(0);

    // Adds a smile shape and animates it
    System::SharedPtr<IAutoShape> smile = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::SmileyFace, 110.0f, 20.0f, 500.0f, 500.0f);
    auto sequence = slide->get_Timeline()->get_MainSequence();
    System::SharedPtr<IEffect> effectIn = sequence->AddEffect(smile, EffectType::Fly, EffectSubtype::TopLeft, EffectTriggerType::AfterPrevious);
    System::SharedPtr<IEffect> effectOut = sequence->AddEffect(smile, EffectType::Fly, EffectSubtype::BottomRight, EffectTriggerType::AfterPrevious);

    auto animationsGenerator = System::MakeObject<PresentationAnimationsGenerator>(presentation);
    animationsGenerator->NewAnimation += OnNewAnimation;

To make all animations in a presentation play at once, the PresentationPlayer class is used. This class takes a PresentationAnimationsGenerator instance and FPS for effects in its constructor and then calls the FrameTick event for all the animations to get them played:

void OnFrameTick(System::SharedPtr<PresentationPlayer> sender, System::SharedPtr<FrameTickEventArgs> args)
    System::String fileName = System::String::Format(u"frame_{0}.png", sender->get_FrameIndex());

void Run()
    auto presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(u"animated.pptx");
    auto animationsGenerator = System::MakeObject<PresentationAnimationsGenerator>(presentation);
    auto player = System::MakeObject<PresentationPlayer>(animationsGenerator, 33);

    player->FrameTick += OnFrameTick;

Then the generated frames can be compiled to produce a video. See the Convert PowerPoint to Video section.

Supported Animations and Effects


Animation Type Aspose.Slides PowerPoint
Appear not supported supported
Fade supported supported
Fly In supported supported
Float In supported supported
Split supported supported
Wipe supported supported
Shape supported supported
Wheel supported supported
Random Bars supported supported
Grow & Turn not supported supported
Zoom supported supported
Swivel supported supported
Bounce supported supported


Animation Type Aspose.Slides PowerPoint
Pulse not supported supported
Color Pulse not supported supported
Teeter supported supported
Spin supported supported
Grow/Shrink not supported supported
Desaturate not supported supported
Darken not supported supported
Lighten not supported supported
Transparency not supported supported
Object Color not supported supported
Complementary Color not supported supported
Line Color not supported supported
Fill Color not supported supported


Animation Type Aspose.Slides PowerPoint
Disappear not supported supported
Fade supported supported
Fly Out supported supported
Float Out supported supported
Split supported supported
Wipe supported supported
Shape supported supported
Random Bars supported supported
Shrink & Turn not supported supported
Zoom supported supported
Swivel supported supported
Bounce supported supported

Motion Paths:

Animation Type Aspose.Slides PowerPoint
Lines supported supported
Arcs supported supported
Turns supported supported
Shapes supported supported
Loops supported supported
Custom Path supported supported