XML Parser Specification (XPS)

About XPS

The XML Parser Specification is a page description language and a fixed-document format originally developed by Microsoft. Like PDF, XPS is a fixed-layout document format designed to preserve document fidelity and provide device-independent document appearance.

XPS in Aspose.Slides for C++

Any presentation document that can be loaded by Aspose.Slides for C++ can be converted to XPS format. Aspose.Slides for C++ uses the high-fidelity page layout and rendering engine to produce output in fixed-layout XPS document format. It is worth-mentioning that Aspose.Slides for C++ directly generates XPS without depending upon the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) classes that are packaged with C++ Framework 3.5 hence allowing Aspose.Slides for C++ to produce XPS documents on machines running C++ Framework versions earlier than version 3.5. You can learn about exporting the presentation documents to XPS documents through Aspose.Slides for C++ in this topic.