Examine Presentation

Aspose.Slides for .NET allows you to examine a presentation to find out its properties and understand its behavior.

Check a Presentation Format

Before working on a presentation, you may want to find out what format (PPT, PPTX, ODP, and others) the presentation is in at the moment.

You can check a presentation’s format without loading the presentation. See this C# code:

IPresentationInfo info = PresentationFactory.Instance.GetPresentationInfo("pres.pptx");
Console.WriteLine(info.LoadFormat); // PPTX

IPresentationInfo info2 = PresentationFactory.Instance.GetPresentationInfo("pres.ppt");
Console.WriteLine(info2.LoadFormat); // PPT

IPresentationInfo info3 = PresentationFactory.Instance.GetPresentationInfo("pres.odp");
Console.WriteLine(info3.LoadFormat); // ODP

Get a Presentation Properties

This C# code shows you how to get a presentation’s properties (information about the presentation):

IPresentationInfo info = PresentationFactory.Instance.GetPresentationInfo("pres.pptx");
IDocumentProperties props = info.ReadDocumentProperties();
// .. 

You may want to see the properties under the DocumentProperties class.

Update a Presentation Properties

Aspose.Slides provides the PresentationInfoUpdateDocumentProperties method that allows you to make changes to a presentation’s properties.

This C# code shows you how to edit a presentation’s properties:

IPresentationInfo info = PresentationFactory.Instance.GetPresentationInfo("pres.pptx");

IDocumentProperties props = info.ReadDocumentProperties();
props.Title = "My title";

To get more information about a presentation and its security attributes, you may find these links useful: