Working with Task's Actual Properties
]The actual properties are used to find out how much time or money has been sent on a task to date.
Working with Actual Properties
The static class Tsk exposes a number of properties for determining a task’s actual properties:
- ActualCost: a task’s actual cost (double).
- ActualOvertimeCost: a task’s actual overtime cost (double).
- ActualOvertimeWork: the actual overtime worked on a task (TimeSpan).
- ActualDuration: a task’s actual duration (TimeSpan).
- ActualStart: the date and time that a task actually started (DateTime).
- ActualFinish: the date and time that a task actually finished (DateTime).
- ACWP: the actual cost of the work performed on a task (double).
The ChildTasksCollector class collects all the child tasks from a given RootTask when used by TaskUtils.
Actual Properties in Microsoft Project
To access these properties in Microsoft Project:
- On the View menu, select More Views and then Task Entry.
- On the Insert menu, select Column and add the desired columns to the Task Entry form.
Getting Actual Properties with Aspose.Tasks
A tasks’ actual properties can be obtained by traversing the tasks in a project. The code sample given below writes the actual properties for all tasks found in a project to a console window.
1// The path to the documents directory.
2System::String dataDir = RunExamples::GetDataDir(System::Reflection::MethodBase::GetCurrentMethod(ASPOSE_CURRENT_FUNCTION)->get_DeclaringType().get_FullName());
4// Create Project instance
5System::SharedPtr<Project> project = System::MakeObject<Project>(dataDir + u"ActualTaskProperties.mpp");
7// Create a ChildTasksCollector instance
8System::SharedPtr<ChildTasksCollector> collector = System::MakeObject<ChildTasksCollector>();
10// Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils
11TaskUtils::Apply(project->get_RootTask(), collector, 0);
13// Parse through all the collected tasks
16 auto task_enumerator = (collector->get_Tasks())->GetEnumerator();
17 decltype(task_enumerator->get_Current()) task;
18 while (task_enumerator->MoveNext() && (task = task_enumerator->get_Current(), true))
19 {
20 System::Console::WriteLine(System::String(u"Task Name : ") + task->Get(Tsk::Name()));
21 System::Console::WriteLine(System::String(u"Actual Start: ") + task->Get<System::DateTime>(Tsk::ActualStart()).ToLongDateString());
22 System::Console::WriteLine(System::String(u"Actual Finish: ") + task->Get<System::DateTime>(Tsk::ActualFinish()).ToLongDateString());
23 System::Console::WriteLine(System::String(u"Actual Duration: ") + System::Convert::ToString(task->Get<Duration>(Tsk::ActualDuration()).get_TimeSpan().get_Hours()));
24 System::Console::WriteLine(System::String(u"Actual Cost: ") + System::Convert::ToString(task->Get<System::Decimal>(Tsk::ActualCost())));
25 System::Console::WriteLine(u"---------------------------------------------");
26 }