Critical and Effort-Driven Tasks
Microsoft Project recognized a number of different types of tasks. Tasks with no duration, for example, are considered milestones by default. Critical tasks make up the critical path, one or a series of tasks that, ultimately, determines how long a project will take.
Working with Critical and Effort-Driven Tasks
The Tsk class exposes the IsCritical and IsEffortDriven properties to handle critical and effort driven tasks:
- IsCritical sets or gets whether a task is critical (bool value).
- IsEffortDriven: sets or gets whether a task is effort-driven (bool value).
Critical and Effort-driven Tasks in Microsoft Project
To check whether a task is critical or effort-driven in Microsoft Project double-click a task in the Task Entry form:
Getting Critical and Effort-Driven Tasks
The following code examples demonstrate how to get information about whether a task is critical or effort-driven.
1// Read project from file stream
2System::String dataDir = RunExamples::GetDataDir(System::Reflection::MethodBase::GetCurrentMethod(ASPOSE_CURRENT_FUNCTION)->get_DeclaringType().get_FullName());
3System::SharedPtr<System::IO::FileStream> fs = System::MakeObject<System::IO::FileStream>(dataDir + u"CriticalEffortDrivenTasks.mpp", System::IO::FileMode::Open);
4System::SharedPtr<Project> prj = System::MakeObject<Project>(fs);
7// Create a ChildTasksCollector instance
8System::SharedPtr<ChildTasksCollector> collector = System::MakeObject<ChildTasksCollector>();
10// Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils
11TaskUtils::Apply(prj->get_RootTask(), collector, 0);
13// Parse through all the collected tasks
16 auto tsk1_enumerator = (collector->get_Tasks())->GetEnumerator();
17 decltype(tsk1_enumerator->get_Current()) tsk1;
18 while (tsk1_enumerator->MoveNext() && (tsk1 = tsk1_enumerator->get_Current(), true))
19 {
20 System::String strED = tsk1->Get<NullableBool>(Tsk::IsEffortDriven()).get_Value() ? System::String(u"EffortDriven") : System::String(u"Non-EffortDriven");
21 System::String strCrit = tsk1->Get<NullableBool>(Tsk::IsCritical()).get_Value() ? System::String(u"Critical") : System::String(u"Non-Critical");
22 System::Console::WriteLine(tsk1->Get(Tsk::Name()) + u" : " + strED);
23 System::Console::WriteLine(tsk1->Get(Tsk::Name()) + u" : " + strCrit);
24 }