Comment définir les Propriétés de l'Axe du Graphique
Si vous souhaitez utiliser l’axe du graphique, la mise à l’échelle et les unités d’affichage pour l’axe des valeurs, veuillez utiliser les classes ChartAxis, AxisDisplayUnit et AxisScaling.
L’exemple de code suivant montre comment définir les propriétés des axes X et Y:
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
System::SharedPtr<Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(); | |
System::SharedPtr<DocumentBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc); | |
// Insert chart. | |
System::SharedPtr<Shape> shape = builder->InsertChart(ChartType::Area, 432, 252); | |
System::SharedPtr<Chart> chart = shape->get_Chart(); | |
// Clear demo data. | |
chart->get_Series()->Clear(); | |
// Fill data. | |
System::ArrayPtr<System::DateTime> dates = System::MakeArray<System::DateTime>({System::DateTime(2002, 1, 1), | |
System::DateTime(2002, 6, 1), | |
System::DateTime(2002, 7, 1), | |
System::DateTime(2002, 8, 1), | |
System::DateTime(2002, 9, 1)}); | |
chart->get_Series()->Add(u"AW Series 1", dates, System::MakeArray<double>({640, 320, 280, 120, 150})); | |
System::SharedPtr<ChartAxis> xAxis = chart->get_AxisX(); | |
System::SharedPtr<ChartAxis> yAxis = chart->get_AxisY(); | |
// Change the X axis to be category instead of date, so all the points will be put with equal interval on the X axis. | |
xAxis->set_CategoryType(AxisCategoryType::Category); | |
// Define X axis properties. | |
xAxis->set_Crosses(AxisCrosses::Custom); | |
xAxis->set_CrossesAt(3); | |
// measured in display units of the Y axis (hundreds) | |
xAxis->set_ReverseOrder(true); | |
xAxis->set_MajorTickMark(AxisTickMark::Cross); | |
xAxis->set_MinorTickMark(AxisTickMark::Outside); | |
xAxis->set_TickLabelOffset(200); | |
// Define Y axis properties. | |
yAxis->set_TickLabelPosition(AxisTickLabelPosition::High); | |
yAxis->set_MajorUnit(100); | |
yAxis->set_MinorUnit(50); | |
yAxis->get_DisplayUnit()->set_Unit(AxisBuiltInUnit::Hundreds); | |
yAxis->get_Scaling()->set_Minimum(System::MakeObject<AxisBound>(100)); | |
yAxis->get_Scaling()->set_Maximum(System::MakeObject<AxisBound>(700)); | |
System::String outputPath = outputDataDir + u"WorkingWithChartAxis.DefineXYAxisProperties.docx"; | |
doc->Save(outputPath); |
Comment définir la Valeur Date-Heure de l’Axe
L’exemple de code suivant montre comment définir des valeurs de date/heure sur les propriétés de l’axe:
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
System::SharedPtr<Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(); | |
System::SharedPtr<DocumentBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc); | |
// Insert chart. | |
System::SharedPtr<Shape> shape = builder->InsertChart(ChartType::Column, 432, 252); | |
System::SharedPtr<Chart> chart = shape->get_Chart(); | |
// Clear demo data. | |
chart->get_Series()->Clear(); | |
// Fill data. | |
System::ArrayPtr<System::DateTime> dates = System::MakeArray<System::DateTime>({System::DateTime(2017, 11, 6), | |
System::DateTime(2017, 11, 9), | |
System::DateTime(2017, 11, 15), | |
System::DateTime(2017, 11, 21), | |
System::DateTime(2017, 11, 25), | |
System::DateTime(2017, 11, 29)}); | |
chart->get_Series()->Add(u"AW Series 1", dates, System::MakeArray<double>({1.2, 0.3, 2.1, 2.9, 4.2, 5.3})); | |
// Set X axis bounds. | |
System::SharedPtr<ChartAxis> xAxis = chart->get_AxisX(); | |
xAxis->get_Scaling()->set_Minimum(System::MakeObject<AxisBound>((System::DateTime(2017, 11, 5)).ToOADate())); | |
xAxis->get_Scaling()->set_Maximum(System::MakeObject<AxisBound>((System::DateTime(2017, 12, 3)).ToOADate())); | |
// Set major units to a week and minor units to a day. | |
xAxis->set_MajorUnit(7); | |
xAxis->set_MinorUnit(1); | |
xAxis->set_MajorTickMark(AxisTickMark::Cross); | |
xAxis->set_MinorTickMark(AxisTickMark::Outside); | |
System::String outputPath = outputDataDir + u"WorkingWithChartAxis.SetDateTimeValuesToAxis.docx"; | |
doc->Save(outputPath); |
Comment formater la Valeur Numérique de l’Axe
L’exemple de code suivant montre comment modifier le format des nombres sur l’axe des valeurs:
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
System::SharedPtr<Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(); | |
System::SharedPtr<DocumentBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc); | |
// Insert chart. | |
System::SharedPtr<Shape> shape = builder->InsertChart(ChartType::Column, 432, 252); | |
System::SharedPtr<Chart> chart = shape->get_Chart(); | |
// Clear demo data. | |
chart->get_Series()->Clear(); | |
// Fill data. | |
chart->get_Series()->Add(u"AW Series 1", | |
System::MakeArray<System::String>({u"Item 1", u"Item 2", u"Item 3", u"Item 4", u"Item 5"}), | |
System::MakeArray<double>({1900000, 850000, 2100000, 600000, 1500000})); | |
// Set number format. | |
chart->get_AxisY()->get_NumberFormat()->set_FormatCode(u"#,##0"); | |
System::String outputPath = outputDataDir + u"WorkingWithChartAxis.SetNumberFormatForAxis.docx"; | |
doc->Save(outputPath); |
Comment définir les limites de l’Axe
La classe AxisBound
représente une limite minimale ou maximale de valeurs d’axe. Bound peut être spécifié sous forme numérique, date-heure ou une valeur spéciale “auto”.
L’exemple de code suivant montre comment définir les limites d’un axe:
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
System::SharedPtr<Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(); | |
System::SharedPtr<DocumentBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc); | |
// Insert chart. | |
System::SharedPtr<Shape> shape = builder->InsertChart(ChartType::Column, 432, 252); | |
System::SharedPtr<Chart> chart = shape->get_Chart(); | |
// Clear demo data. | |
chart->get_Series()->Clear(); | |
// Fill data. | |
chart->get_Series()->Add(u"AW Series 1", | |
System::MakeArray<System::String>({u"Item 1", u"Item 2", u"Item 3", u"Item 4", u"Item 5"}), | |
System::MakeArray<double>({1.2, 0.3, 2.1, 2.9, 4.2})); | |
chart->get_AxisY()->get_Scaling()->set_Minimum(System::MakeObject<AxisBound>(0)); | |
chart->get_AxisY()->get_Scaling()->set_Maximum(System::MakeObject<AxisBound>(6)); | |
System::String outputPath = outputDataDir + u"WorkingWithChartAxis.SetBoundsOfAxis.docx"; | |
doc->Save(outputPath); |
Comment Définir l’Unité d’Intervalle Entre les Étiquettes
L’exemple de code suivant montre comment définir l’unité d’intervalle entre les étiquettes sur un axe:
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
System::SharedPtr<Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(); | |
System::SharedPtr<DocumentBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc); | |
// Insert chart. | |
System::SharedPtr<Shape> shape = builder->InsertChart(ChartType::Column, 432, 252); | |
System::SharedPtr<Chart> chart = shape->get_Chart(); | |
// Clear demo data. | |
chart->get_Series()->Clear(); | |
// Fill data. | |
chart->get_Series()->Add(u"AW Series 1", | |
System::MakeArray<System::String>({u"Item 1", u"Item 2", u"Item 3", u"Item 4", u"Item 5"}), | |
System::MakeArray<double>({1.2, 0.3, 2.1, 2.9, 4.2})); | |
chart->get_AxisX()->set_TickLabelSpacing(2); | |
System::String outputPath = outputDataDir + u"WorkingWithChartAxis.SetIntervalUnitBetweenLabelsOnAxis.docx"; | |
doc->Save(outputPath); |
Comment masquer l’Axe du graphique
Si vous souhaitez afficher ou masquer l’axe du graphique, vous pouvez simplement y parvenir en définissant la valeur de la propriété set_Hidden.
L’exemple de code suivant montre comment masquer l’axe des ordonnées du graphique:
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
System::SharedPtr<Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(); | |
System::SharedPtr<DocumentBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc); | |
// Insert chart. | |
System::SharedPtr<Shape> shape = builder->InsertChart(ChartType::Column, 432, 252); | |
System::SharedPtr<Chart> chart = shape->get_Chart(); | |
// Clear demo data. | |
chart->get_Series()->Clear(); | |
// Fill data. | |
chart->get_Series()->Add(u"AW Series 1", | |
System::MakeArray<System::String>({u"Item 1", u"Item 2", u"Item 3", u"Item 4", u"Item 5"}), | |
System::MakeArray<double>({1.2, 0.3, 2.1, 2.9, 4.2})); | |
// Hide the Y axis. | |
chart->get_AxisY()->set_Hidden(true); | |
System::String outputPath = outputDataDir + u"WorkingWithChartAxis.HideChartAxis.docx"; | |
doc->Save(outputPath); |
Comment Aligner l’Étiquette du Graphique
Si vous souhaitez définir un alignement de texte pour les étiquettes multilignes,vous pouvez simplement y parvenir en définissant la valeur de la propriété TickLabelAlignment. L’exemple de code suivant montre comment cocher l’alignement des étiquettes.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
System::SharedPtr<Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(inputDataDir + u"Document.docx"); | |
System::SharedPtr<Shape> shape = System::DynamicCast<Shape>(doc->GetChild(NodeType::Shape, 0, true)); | |
System::SharedPtr<ChartAxis> axis = shape->get_Chart()->get_AxisX(); | |
//This property has effect only for multi-line labels. | |
axis->set_TickLabelAlignment(ParagraphAlignment::Right); | |
doc->Save(outputDataDir + u"WorkingWithChartAxis.TickMultiLineLabelAlignment.docx"); |