Extract Content in PHP

Aspose.Words - Extract Content

Php Code

private static $gDataDir = "/usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0.22/webapps/JavaBridge/Aspose.Words-for-Java_For_PHP/src/programmingwithdocuments/workingwithdocument/extractcontent/data/";
public static function main() {
public static function extractContentBetweenParagraphs(){
//ExSummary:Shows how to extract the content between specific paragraphs using the `ExtractContent` method above.

// Load in the document
$doc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document", ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.doc");

// Gather the nodes. The `GetChild` method uses 0-based index
$nodeType = Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType");
$startPara = $doc->getFirstSection()->getChild($nodeType->PARAGRAPH, 6, true);
$endPara =   $doc->getFirstSection()->getChild($nodeType->PARAGRAPH, 10, true);

// Extract the content between these nodes in the document. Include these markers in the extraction.
$extractedNodes = ExtractContent::ExtractContents($startPara, $endPara, true);

// Insert the content into a new separate document and save it to disk.
$dstDoc = ExtractContent::generateDocument($doc, $extractedNodes);
$dstDoc->save(ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.Paragraphs Out.doc");
public static function extractContentBetweenBlockLevelNodes(){
//ExSummary:Shows how to extract the content between a paragraph and table using the `ExtractContent` method.

// Load in the document
$doc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document", ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.doc");
$nodeType = Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType");
$startPara = $doc->getLastSection()->getChild($nodeType->PARAGRAPH, 2, true);
$endTable = $doc->getLastSection()->getChild($nodeType->TABLE, 0, true);

// Extract the content between these nodes in the document. Include these markers in the extraction.
$extractedNodes = ExtractContent::ExtractContents($startPara, $endTable, true);

// Lets reverse the array to make inserting the content back into the document easier.
$collections = new Java("java.util.Collections");
while (java_values($extractedNodes->size()) > 0)
// Insert the last node from the reversed list
$endTable->getParentNode()->insertAfter($extractedNodes->get(0), $endTable);

// Remove this node from the list after insertion.

// Save the generated document to disk.
$doc->save(ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.DuplicatedContent Out.doc");
public static function extractContentBetweenParagraphStyles(){
//ExSummary:Shows how to extract content between paragraphs with specific styles using the `ExtractContent` method.

// Load in the document
$doc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document" , ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.doc");

// Gather a list of the paragraphs using the respective heading styles.
$parasStyleHeading1 = ExtractContent::paragraphsByStyleName($doc, "Heading 1");
$parasStyleHeading3 = ExtractContent::paragraphsByStyleName($doc, "Heading 3");

// Use the first instance of the paragraphs with those styles.
$startPara1 = $parasStyleHeading1->get(0);
$endPara1 = $parasStyleHeading3->get(0);

// Extract the content between these nodes in the document. Don't include these markers in the extraction.
$extractedNodes = ExtractContent::ExtractContents($startPara1, $endPara1, false);

// Insert the content into a new separate document and save it to disk.
$dstDoc = ExtractContent::generateDocument($doc, $extractedNodes);
$dstDoc->save(ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.Styles Out.doc");
public static function extractContentBetweenRuns(){
//ExSummary:Shows how to extract content between specific runs of the same paragraph using the `ExtractContent` method.

// Load in the document
$doc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document" , ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.doc");

// Retrieve a paragraph from the first section.
$nodeType = Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType");
$para = $doc->getChild($nodeType->PARAGRAPH, 7, true);

// Use some runs for extraction.
$startRun = $para->getRuns()->get(1);
$endRun = $para->getRuns()->get(4);

// Extract the content between these nodes in the document. Include these markers in the extraction.
$extractedNodes = ExtractContent::ExtractContents($startRun, $endRun, true);

// Get the node from the list. There should only be one paragraph returned in the list.
$node = $extractedNodes->get(0);

// Print the text of this node to the console.
$SaveFormat = Java("com.aspose.words.SaveFormat");
echo $node->toString($SaveFormat->TEXT);
public static function extractContentUsingField(){
//ExFor:DocumentBuilder.MoveToMergeField(String, Boolean, Boolean)
//ExSummary:Shows how to extract content between a specific field and paragraph in the document using the `ExtractContent` method.

// Load in the document
$doc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document", ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.doc");

// Use a document builder to retrieve the field start of a merge field.
$builder = new Java("com.aspose.words.DocumentBuilder", $doc);

// Pass the first boolean parameter to get the `DocumentBuilder` to move to the `FieldStart` of the field.

// We could also get FieldStarts of a field using GetChildNode method as in the other examples.
$builder->moveToMergeField("Fullname", false, false);

// The builder cursor should be positioned at the start of the field.
$nodeType = Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType");
$startField = $builder->getCurrentNode();
$endPara = $doc->getFirstSection()->getChild($nodeType->PARAGRAPH, 5, true);

// Extract the content between these nodes in the document. Don't include these markers in the extraction.
$extractedNodes = ExtractContent::ExtractContents($startField, $endPara, false);

// Insert the content into a new separate document and save it to disk.
$dstDoc = ExtractContent::generateDocument($doc, $extractedNodes);
$dstDoc->save(ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.Fields Out.pdf");
public static function extractContentBetweenBookmark(){
//ExSummary:Shows how to extract the content referenced a bookmark using the `ExtractContent` method.

// Load in the document
$doc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document" , ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.doc");

// Retrieve the bookmark from the document.
$bookmark = $doc->getRange()->getBookmarks()->get("Bookmark1");

// We use the `BookmarkStart` and BookmarkEnd nodes as markers.
$bookmarkStart = $bookmark->getBookmarkStart();
$bookmarkEnd = $bookmark->getBookmarkEnd();

// Firstly extract the content between these nodes including the bookmark.
$extractedNodesInclusive = ExtractContent::ExtractContents($bookmarkStart, $bookmarkEnd, true);
$dstDoc = ExtractContent::generateDocument($doc, $extractedNodesInclusive);
$dstDoc->save(ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.BookmarkInclusive Out.doc");

// Secondly extract the content between these nodes this time without including the bookmark.
$extractedNodesExclusive = ExtractContent::ExtractContents($bookmarkStart, $bookmarkEnd, false);
$dstDoc = ExtractContent::generateDocument($doc, $extractedNodesExclusive);
$dstDoc->save(ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.BookmarkExclusive Out.doc");
public static function extractContentBetweenCommentRange(){
//ExSummary:Shows how to extract content referenced by a comment using the `ExtractContent` method.

// Load in the document
$doc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document" , ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.doc");

// This is a quick way of getting both comment nodes.

// Your code should have a proper method of retrieving each corresponding start and end node.
$nodeType = Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType");
$commentStart = $doc->getChild($nodeType->COMMENT_RANGE_START, 0, true);
$commentEnd = $doc->getChild($nodeType->COMMENT_RANGE_END, 0, true);

// Firstly extract the content between these nodes including the comment as well.
$extractedNodesInclusive = ExtractContent::ExtractContents($commentStart, $commentEnd, true);
$dstDoc = ExtractContent::generateDocument($doc, $extractedNodesInclusive);
$dstDoc->save(ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.CommentInclusive Out.doc");

// Secondly extract the content between these nodes without the comment.
$extractedNodesExclusive = ExtractContent::ExtractContents($commentStart, $commentEnd, false);
$dstDoc = ExtractContent::generateDocument($doc, $extractedNodesExclusive);
$dstDoc->save(ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.CommentExclusive Out.doc");
//ExSummary:This is a method which extracts blocks of content from a document between specified nodes.
\* Extracts a range of nodes from a document found between specified markers and returns a copy of those nodes. Content can be extracted
\* between inline nodes, block level nodes, and also special nodes such as Comment or Bookmarks. Any combination of different marker types can used.
\* @param startNode The node which defines where to start the extraction from the document. This node can be block or inline level of a body.
\* @param endNode The node which defines where to stop the extraction from the document. This node can be block or inline level of body.
\* @param isInclusive Should the marker nodes be included.
public static function ExtractContents($startNode, $endNode, $isInclusive) {
// First check that the nodes passed to this method are valid for use.
ExtractContent::verifyParameterNodes($startNode, $endNode);

// Create a list to store the extracted nodes.
$nodes = new Java("java.util.ArrayList");

// Keep a record of the original nodes passed to this method so we can split marker nodes if needed.
$originalStartNode = $startNode;
$originalEndNode = $endNode;

// Extract content based on block level nodes (paragraphs and tables). Traverse through parent nodes to find them.

// We will split the content of first and last nodes depending if the marker nodes are inline
$nodeType = Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType");
//echo java_values($nodeType->BODY);
while ( java_values($startNode->getParentNode()->getNodeType()) != java_values($nodeType->BODY)) {
$startNode = $startNode->getParentNode();
while ( java_values($endNode->getParentNode()->getNodeType()) != java_values($nodeType->BODY)) {
$endNode = $endNode->getParentNode();
$isExtracting = true;
$isStartingNode = true;
$isEndingNode = '';

// The current node we are extracting from the document.
$currNode = $startNode;

// Begin extracting content. Process all block level nodes and specifically split the first and last nodes when needed so paragraph formatting is retained.

// Method is little more complex than a regular extractor as we need to factor in extracting using inline nodes, fields, bookmarks etc as to make it really useful.
while ($isExtracting)
// Clone the current node and its children to obtain a copy.
$cloneNode = $currNode->deepClone(true);
$isEndingNode = $currNode->equals(java_values($endNode));
if(java_values($isStartingNode) || java_values($isEndingNode))
// We need to process each marker separately so pass it off to a separate method instead.
if (java_values($isStartingNode))
ExtractContent::processMarker($cloneNode, $nodes, $originalStartNode, $isInclusive, $isStartingNode, $isEndingNode);
$isStartingNode = false;

// Conditional needs to be separate as the block level start and end markers maybe the same node.
if (java_values($isEndingNode))
ExtractContent::processMarker($cloneNode, $nodes, $originalEndNode, $isInclusive, $isStartingNode, $isEndingNode);
$isExtracting = false;
else {
// Node is not a start or end marker, simply add the copy to the list.
$nodes->add($cloneNode); //array_push($nodes,java_values($cloneNode));

// Move to the next node and extract it. If next node is null that means the rest of the content is found in a different section.
if (java_values($currNode->getNextSibling()) == null && $isExtracting)
// Move to the next section.
$nodeType = Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType");
$nextSection = $currNode->getAncestor($nodeType->SECTION)->getNextSibling();
$currNode = $nextSection->getBody()->getFirstChild();
// Move to the next node in the body.
$currNode = $currNode->getNextSibling();

// Return the nodes between the node markers.
return $nodes;
//ExSummary:The helper methods used by the `ExtractContent` method.
\* Checks the input parameters are correct and can be used. Throws an exception if there is any problem.
public static function verifyParameterNodes($startNode, $endNode) {
// The order in which these checks are done is important.
if (java_values($startNode) == null)
throw new Exception("Start node cannot be null");
if (java_values($endNode) == null)
throw new Exception("End node cannot be null");
if (! java_values($startNode->getDocument()->equals($endNode->getDocument())))
throw new Exception("Start node and end node must belong to the same document");
$nodeType = Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType");
if ( java_values($startNode->getAncestor($nodeType->BODY)) == null || java_values($endNode->getAncestor($nodeType->BODY)) == null)
throw new Exception("Start node and end node must be a child or descendant of a body");

// Check the end node is after the start node in the DOM tree

// First check if they are in different sections, then if they're not check their position in the body of the same section they are in.
$startSection = $startNode->getAncestor($nodeType->SECTION);
$endSection = $endNode->getAncestor($nodeType->SECTION);
$startIndex = java_values($startSection->getParentNode()->indexOf($startSection));
$endIndex = java_values($endSection->getParentNode()->indexOf($endSection));
if ($startIndex == $endIndex)
if ( java_values($startSection->getBody()->indexOf($startNode)) > java_values($endSection->getBody()->indexOf($endNode)))
throw new Exception("The end node must be after the start node in the body");
else if ($startIndex > $endIndex)
throw new Exception("The section of end node must be after the section start node");
public static function generateDocument($srcDoc, $nodes) {
// Create a blank document.
$dstDoc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document");

// Remove the first paragraph from the empty document.

// Import each node from the list into the new document. Keep the original formatting of the node.
$importFormatMode = Java("com.aspose.words.ImportFormatMode");
$importer = new Java("com.aspose.words.NodeImporter", $srcDoc, $dstDoc, $importFormatMode->KEEP_SOURCE_FORMATTING);
foreach ($nodes as $node)
$importNode = $importer->importNode($node, true);

// Return the generated document.
return $dstDoc;
public static function processMarker($cloneNode, $nodes, $node, $isInclusive, $isStartMarker, $isEndMarker) {
// If we are dealing with a block level node just see if it should be included and add it to the list.
if(! java_values(ExtractContent::isInline($node)))
// Don't add the node twice if the markers are the same node
if(!($isStartMarker && $isEndMarker))
if ($isInclusive)
 // array_push($nodes,$cloneNode); //nodes.add(cloneNode);

// If a marker is a `FieldStart` node check if it's to be included or not.

// We assume for simplicity that the `FieldStart` and FieldEnd appear in the same paragraph.
$nodeType = Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType");
if (java_values($node->getNodeType()) == java_values($nodeType->FIELD_START))
// If the marker is a start node and is not be included then skip to the end of the field.

// If the marker is an end node and it is to be included then move to the end field so the field will not be removed.
if (($isStartMarker && !$isInclusive) || (!$isStartMarker && $isInclusive))
while (java_values($node->getNextSibling()) != null && java_values($node->getNodeType()) != java_values($nodeType->FIELD_END))
$node = $node->getNextSibling();

// If either marker is part of a comment then to include the comment itself we need to move the pointer forward to the Comment

// node found after the CommentRangeEnd node.
if (java_values($node->getNodeType()) == java_values($nodeType->COMMENT_RANGE_END))
while (java_values($node->getNextSibling()) != null && java_values($node->getNodeType()) != java_values($nodeType->COMMENT))
$node = $node->getNextSibling();

// Find the corresponding node in our cloned node by index and return it.

// If the start and end node are the same some child nodes might already have been removed. Subtract the

// difference to get the right index.
$indexDiff = java_values($node->getParentNode()->getChildNodes()->getCount()) - java_values($cloneNode->getChildNodes()->getCount());

// Child node count identical.
if ($indexDiff == 0)
$node = $cloneNode->getChildNodes()->get($node->getParentNode()->indexOf($node));
$node = $cloneNode->getChildNodes()->get($node->getParentNode()->indexOf($node) - $indexDiff);

// Remove the nodes up to/from the marker.
$isSkip = '';
$isProcessing = true;
$isRemoving = $isStartMarker;
$nextNode = $cloneNode->getFirstChild();
while ($isProcessing && $nextNode != null)
$currentNode = $nextNode;
$isSkip = false;
if (java_values($currentNode->equals($node)))
if (java_values($isStartMarker))
$isProcessing = false;
if (java_values($isInclusive))
$isRemoving = false;
$isRemoving = true;
if (java_values($isInclusive))
$isSkip = true;
$nextNode = $nextNode->getNextSibling();
if ($isRemoving && !$isSkip)

// After processing the composite node may become empty. If it has don't include it.
if (!($isStartMarker && $isEndMarker))
if ($cloneNode->hasChildNodes())
 // array_push($nodes,$cloneNode); //nodes.add(cloneNode);
public static function isInline($node) {
// Test if the node is descendant of a Paragraph or Table node and also is not a paragraph or a table a paragraph inside a comment class which is descendant of a paragraph is possible.
$nodeType = Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType");
return ((java_values($node->getAncestor($nodeType->PARAGRAPH)) != null || java_values($node->getAncestor($nodeType->TABLE)) != null) && !(java_values($node->getNodeType()) == (java_values($nodeType->PARAGRAPH) || java_values($node->getNodeType()) == java_values($nodeType->TABLE))));
public static function paragraphsByStyleName($doc, $styleName) {
// Create an array to collect paragraphs of the specified style.
$paragraphsWithStyle = new Java("java.util.ArrayList");

// Get all paragraphs from the document.
$nodeType = Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType");
$paragraphs = $doc->getChildNodes($nodeType->PARAGRAPH, true);
$paragraphs_count = $paragraphs->getCount();
$paragraphs_count = java_values($paragraphs_count);

// Look through all paragraphs to find those with the specified style.
$i = 0;
while($i < $paragraphs_count){
$paragraphs = $doc->getChildNodes($nodeType->PARAGRAPH, true);
$paragraph = $paragraphs->get($i);
if (java_values($paragraph->getParagraphFormat()->getStyle()->getName()->equals($styleName))){
return $paragraphsWithStyle;

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