Working with Charts
New InsertChart method was added into the DocumentBuilder class. So, let’s see how to insert a simple column chart into the document using the InsertChart method.
How to Insert a Chart
In this section we will learn how to insert a chart into a document.
Insert Column Chart
The following code example shows how to insert column chart:
The code produces the following result:
There are four different overloads for series Add method, which was exposed to cover all possible variants of data sources for all chart types:
The code produces the following result:
Insert Scatter Chart
The following code example shows how to insert a scatter chart:
The code produces the following result:
Insert Area Chart
The following code example shows how to insert an area chart:
The code produces the following result:
Insert Bubble Chart
The following code example shows how to insert a bubble chart:
The code produces the following result:
Working with Charts through Shape.Chart
Once the chart was inserted and filled with data, you are able to change its appearance. Shape.Chart
property contains all chart related options available through the public API.
For example, let’s change Chart title or legend behavior:
The code generates the followings results:
How to Work with ChartSeriesCollection of Chart
Let’s look into ChartSeries collection. All chart series are available through chart.Series collection, which is IEnumerable:
You can remove series one by one or clear all of them as well as add a new one if needed. The newly inserted chart has some default series added to this collection. To remove them you need to call the chart.Series.Clear() method.
Working with Single ChartSeries Class
Here is how to work with a particular series:
Please see the result below:
All single ChartSeries have default ChartDataPoint options, please try using the following code to change them:
Please see the result below:
How to Work with Single ChartDataPoint of a ChartSeries
Using ChartDataPoint you are able to customize the formatting of a single data point of the chart series:
Please see the result below:
How to Work with ChartDataLabel of a Single ChartSeries
Using ChartDataLabel you are able to specify the formatting of a single data label of the chart series, like show/hide LegendKey, CategoryName, SeriesName, Value etc:
Please see the result below:
How to Define Default Options for ChartDataLabels of ChartSeries
The ChartDataLabelCollection class defines properties which can be used to set default options for ChartDataLabels for Chart Series. These properties include ShowCategoryName, ShowBubbleSize, ShowPercentage, ShowSeriesName, ShowValue etc:
Please see the result below:
How to Format Number of Chart Data Label
Using NumberFormat you are able to specify number formatting of a single data label of the chart.
The following code example shows how to format a number of the data label:
How to Set Chart Axis Properties
If you want to work with chart axis, scaling, and display units for the value axis, please use ChartAxis, AxisDisplayUnit, and AxisScaling classes.
The following code example shows how to define X and Y-axis properties:
How to Set Date Time Value of Axis
The following code example shows how to set date/time values to axis properties:
How to Format Number Value of Axis
The following code example shows how to change the format of numbers on the value axis:
How to Set Bounds of Axis
The AxisBound
class represents a minimum or maximum bound of axis values. Bound can be specified as a numeric, date-time or a special “auto” value.
The following code example shows how to set bounds of an axis:
How to Set Interval Unit Between Labels
The following code example shows how to set the interval unit between labels on an axis:
How to Hide Chart Axis
If you want to show or hide the chart axis, you can simply achieve this by setting the value of ChartAxis.Hidden
The following code example shows how to hide the Y-axis of the chart:
How to Align Chart Label
If you want to set a text alignment for multi-line labels, you can simply achieve this by setting the value of the TickLabels.Alignment property.
The following code example shows how to tick label alignment:
How to Set Fill and Stroke Formatting
Fill and stroke formatting can be set for chart series, data points, and markers. To do this, you need to use the properties of the ChartFormat type in the ChartSeries, ChartDataPoint, and ChartMarker classes, as well as aliases for some properties, such as ForeColor, BackColor, Visible, and Transparency in the Stroke
The following code example shows how to set series color:
The following code example shows how to set line color and weight: