Arbeiten mit linearer Extrusion

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Lineare Extrusion durchführen

Aspose.3D for .NET bietet LinearExtrusion Klasse, die eine 2D-Form als Eingabe annimmt und die Form in der 3. Dimension erweitert. Das folgende Code-Snippet zeigt, wie eine lineare Extrusion durchgeführt wird:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
var profile = new RectangleShape()
RoundingRadius = 0.3
// Perform Linear extrusion by passing a 2D profile as input and extend the shape in the 3rd dimension
var extrusion = new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Slices = 100, Center = true, Twist = 360, TwistOffset = new Vector3(10, 0, 0) };
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create a child node by passing extrusion
// Save 3D scene

“Slices” in der linearen Extrusion

Aspose.3D for .NET bietet Slices Eigentum der LinearExtrusion Klasse. Die Slices-Eigenschaft definiert die Anzahl der Zwischen punkte entlang des Pfades der Extrusion. Das folgende Code-Snippet zeigt, wie die Slices-Eigenschaft bei der linearen Extrusion verwendet wird:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
var profile = new RectangleShape()
RoundingRadius = 0.3
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
var left = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
// Create right node
var right = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
left.Transform.Translation = new Vector3(15, 0, 0);
// Slices parameter defines the number of intermediate points along the path of the extrusion
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using slices property
left.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) { Slices = 2 });
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using slices property
right.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) { Slices = 10 });
// Save 3D scene

“Zentrum” in der linearen Extrusion

Aspose.3D for .NET bietet Center Eigentum der LinearExtrusion Klasse. Wenn die Center-Eigenschaft auf true gesetzt ist, reicht der Extrusion bereich von-Höhe/2 bis Höhe/2, andernfalls ist die Extrusion von 0 bis Höhe. Das folgende Code-Snippet zeigt, wie die Center-Eigenschaft in der linearen Extrusion verwendet wird:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
var profile = new RectangleShape()
RoundingRadius = 0.3
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
var left = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
// Create right node
var right = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
left.Transform.Translation = new Vector3(15, 0, 0);
// Slices parameter defines the number of intermediate points along the path of the extrusion
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using slices property
left.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) { Slices = 2 });
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using slices property
right.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) { Slices = 10 });
// Save 3D scene

‘Twist’ in der linearen Extrusion

Aspose.3D for .NET bietet Twist Eigentum der LinearExtrusion Klasse. Die Twist-Eigenschaft behandelt den Grad der Rotation, während die Form extrudiert wird. Das folgende Code-Snippet zeigt, wie die Twist-Eigenschaft bei der linearen Extrusion verwendet wird:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
var profile = new RectangleShape()
RoundingRadius = 0.3
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
var left = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
// Create rifht node
var right = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
left.Transform.Translation = new Vector3(15, 0, 0);
// Twist property defines the degree of the rotation while extruding the profile
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using twist and slices property
left.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Twist = 0, Slices = 100 });
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using twist and slices property
right.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Twist = 90, Slices = 100 });
// Save 3D scene

‘TwistOffset’ in der linearen Extrusion

Aspose.3D for .NET bietet TwistOffset Eigentum der LinearExtrusion Klasse. Twist Offset-Eigenschaft übersetzt den Versatz beim Drehen der Extrusion. Das folgende Code-Snippet zeigt, wie die TwistOffset-Eigenschaft in der linearen Extrusion verwendet wird:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
var profile = new RectangleShape()
RoundingRadius = 0.3
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
var left = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
// Create right node
var right = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
left.Transform.Translation = new Vector3(18, 0, 0);
// TwistOffset property is the translate offset while rotating the extrusion.
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using twist and slices property
left.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Twist = 360, Slices = 100 });
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using twist, twist offset and slices property
right.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Twist = 360, Slices = 100, TwistOffset = new Vector3(3, 0, 0) });
// Save 3D scene
scene.Save(RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath("TwistOffsetInLinearExtrusion.obj"), FileFormat.WavefrontOBJ);

“Richtung” in der linearen Extrusion

Aspose.3D for .NET bietet Direction Eigentum der LinearExtrusion Klasse. Die Richtungs eigenschaft definiert die Richtung der Extrusion. Das folgende Code-Snippet zeigt, wie die Direction-Eigenschaft bei der linearen Extrusion verwendet wird:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
var profile = new RectangleShape()
RoundingRadius = 0.3
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
var left = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
// Create right node
var right = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
left.Transform.Translation = new Vector3(8, 0, 0);
// Direction property defines the direction of the extrusion.
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using twist and slices property
left.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Twist = 360, Slices = 100 });
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using twist, slices, and direction property
right.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Twist = 360, Slices = 100, Direction = new Vector3(0.3, 0.2, 1) });
// Save 3D scene