Public API Changes in Aspose.3D 16.9.0

Contents Summary

Import 3D Scene from the Source PDF

Using the recent version (16.9.0) or higher, developers can retrieve 3D scenes from an input PDF file.

Adds Aspose.ThreeD.Formats.PdfLoadOptions Class

We have added PdfLoadOptions class. It helps in loading content from the input PDF file. Developers may apply password for the protected PDFs.

Open scene from a password-protected PDF file

 // set path with filename and extension 

string path = @"House_Design.pdf";

// create a new scene

Scene scene = new Scene();

// use loading options and apply password

PdfLoadOptions opt = new PdfLoadOptions() {Password = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("password")};

// open scene

scene.Open(path, opt);

Adds Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormat and Aspose.ThreeD.Formats.PdfFormat Class

We have added an entry of PDF format in the FileFormat class for loading and saving purposes. The PdfFormat class helps to manipulate PDFs.

 public static readonly Aspose.ThreeD.Formats.PdfFormat PDF;

Extract all raw 3D contents from PDF file

 // set PDF file path and password

string path = @"House_Design.pdf";

byte[] password = null;

// extract 3D contents

List<byte[]> contents = FileFormat.PDF.Extract(path, password);

int i = 1;

// iterate through the contents and in separate 3D files

foreach (byte[] content in contents)


    string fileName = "3d-" + (i++);

    File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, content);


Extract all 3D scenes and save them into FBX file

 // set PDF file path and password

string path = @"House_Design.pdf";

byte[] password = null;

List<Scene> scenes = FileFormat.PDF.ExtractScene(path, password);

int i = 1;

// iterate through the scenes and save in 3D files

foreach (Scene scene in scenes)


    string fileName = "3d-" + (i++) + ".fbx";

    scene.Save(fileName, FileFormat.FBX7400ASCII);


Save a 3D Scene in the PDF Format

Using the recent version (16.9.0) or higher, developers can save all supported 3D files in the PDF format.

Adds Aspose.ThreeD.Formats.PdfSaveOptions class and Aspose.ThreeD.Formats.PdfLightingScheme/PdfRenderMode Enums

The PdfSaveOptions helps in applying setting before saving in the output PDF format. Developers can set a rendering mode and lighting scheme before saving a 3D scene into the PDF format as below:

Create a 3D PDF with a cylinder, and rendered in shaded illustration mode with CAD optimized lighting

 // create a new scene

Scene scene = new Scene();

// create a cylinder child node

scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("cylinder", new Cylinder()).Material = new PhongMaterial() { DiffuseColor = new Vector3(Color.DarkCyan)};

// set rendering mode and lighting scheme

PdfSaveOptions opt = new PdfSaveOptions();

opt.LightingScheme = PdfLightingScheme.CAD;

opt.RenderMode = PdfRenderMode.ShadedIllustration;

// save in the PDF format

scene.Save("output.pdf", opt);

Adds Triangulate Method in the Aspose.ThreeD.Entities.PolygonModifier Class

We have added another overload of Triangulate method in the PolygonModifier class which takes a Scene class object as a parameter.

Convert all polygons to triangles in the FBX file

 // load an existing 3D file

Scene scene = new Scene("original.fbx");

// triangulate a scene


// save 3D scene

scene.Save("triangulated.fbx", FileFormat.FBX7400ASCII);

Adds two BuildTangentBinormal Methods in the Aspose.ThreeD.Entities.PolygonModifier Class

We have added two BuildTangentBinormal methods in the PolygonModifier class. One method takes the Scene class object as a parameter and another one takes the Mesh class object as a parameter.

Build tangent and binormal data for all meshes in the FBX file

 // load an existing 3D file

Scene scene = new Scene("original.fbx");

// triangulate a scene


// save 3D scene

scene.Save("output.fbx", FileFormat.FBX7400ASCII);