Generera UV

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Generera UV

Aspose. 3D for .NET erbjuder PolygonModifier klass som exponerar GenerateUV metoden, med vilken du manuellt kan generera UV och associera den med mesh. Följande kod snippet visar fullständig funktionalitet för att generera och associera det:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Scene scene = new Scene();
//since all primitive entities in Aspose.3D will have builtin UV generation
//here we manually remove it to assume we have a mesh without UV data
var mesh = (new Box()).ToMesh();
//then we can manually generate UV for it
var uv = PolygonModifier.GenerateUV(mesh);
//generated UV data is not associated with the mesh, we should manually do this
//put it to the scene
var node = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(mesh);
//then save it