Working with GridWeb
Opening a Microsoft Excel File
Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control can open and load Microsoft Excel files - complete with data, formatting, charts, images etc. This topic explains how.
To open an Excel file using GridWeb control:
- Add the Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control to a web form or page.
- Import the Excel file by specifying the file path.
- Run the application or open the page.
To load the content from an Excel file to Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control, you have to call the importExcelFile method to specify the path of the Excel file. After that, GridWeb control will automatically find the file from the specified path and display its contents in it. A code snippet that loads the contents of an Excel file is provided below.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
//Specifying the path of Excel file using importExcelFile method of the control | |
gridweb.importExcelFile(filePath); | |
The above code snippet can be used any way you want. For example, to load an Excel file automatically when a web form loads, add this code to the form’s Page_Load event that you have specified by yourself.
An Excel file is loaded into GridWeb
Saving a Microsoft Excel File
It is possible to create new or manipulate existing Microsoft Excel files, on websites in GUI mode using Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control. The files can then be saved to Excel files. Aspose.Cells.GridWeb effectively serves as an online spreadsheet editor. This topic describes how to save grid content to Excel files.
Saving as a File
To save the content of Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control as an Excel file:
- Add the Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control to a web form or page.
- Save your work as an Excel file at a specified path.
- Run the application or open the page.
The code example below illustrates how to save grid content to an Excel file.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
//Saving Grid content to an Excel file | |
gridweb.saveToExcelFile("/new.xlsx"); | |
The above code snippet can be used in several ways. A common way is to add a button that saves the grid content to an Excel file when clicked. Aspose.Cells.GridWeb offers an easier approach for the task. Aspose.Cells.GridWeb has an event called SaveCommand. The above code snippet can be added to the SaveCommand event’s event handler which allows users to save their work by clicking the Aspose.Cells.GridWeb’s in-built Save button.
Resizing Aspose.Cells.GridWeb and its Header Bar
This article explains how to do the resize GridWeb at runtime using the Aspose.Cells.GridWeb API. It also explains how to resize the header bars of the Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control to make their data easier to read.
Changing Width & Height of Aspose.Cells.GridWeb
Changing the width and height of Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control is a simple but important feature. The Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control is represented by the GridWeb class in the API. To resize the width and height of the GridWeb control, simply use its width and height properties.
The output of the code snippet that follows is shown below.
Changed width and height of the GridWeb control
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
//Setting the height of GridWeb control | |
gridweb.setHeight(Unit.Point(200)); | |
//Setting the width of GridWeb control | |
gridweb.setWidth(Unit.Point(520)); | |
Changing Width & Height of Header Bar
Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control contains two header bars as follows:
- Top header bar, this header bar represents columns as A, B, C, D, etc.
- Left header bar, this header bar represents rows as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
Both of these header bars are shown below.
Header bars
Change the height of the top header bar and the width of the left header bar using the GridWeb control’s HeaderBarHeight and HeaderBarWidth properties respectively. The figure below shows the output of the code example that follows.
Changed header bar width and height
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
//Setting the height of header bar | |
gridweb.setHeaderBarHeight(Unit.Point(35)); | |
//Setting the width of header bar | |
gridweb.setHeaderBarWidth(Unit.Point(50)); | |
Working with Aspose.Cells.GridWeb Events
All developers must be familiar with events and their purpose. Events are used to send notifications of changes that may occur in a control or class. Aspose.Cells.GridWeb has several events that can be used to perform specific tasks when certain changes occur in the control.
This topic provides an introduction to all events supported by the Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control along with some details on how to handle these events.
Introduction to Grid Events
Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control supports several events that provide more control for performing operations when specific events are triggered in the control. A complete list of events supported by Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control can be found below.
Events | Description |
CellCommand | Occurs when the command hyperlink of a cell is clicked. When this event is fired, its parameter e.Argument provides the command’s name. |
CellDoubleClick | Occurs when the cell is double-clicked. |
ColumnDeleted | Occurs when a user deletes a column from a worksheet using the client-side menu. |
ColumnDeleting | Occurs when a user is trying to delete a column from a worksheet using the client-side menu. |
ColumnDoubleClick | Occurs when the column header is double-clicked. |
ColumnInserted | Occurs when a user inserts a column into a worksheet using the client-side menu. |
CustomCommand | Occurs when a user clicks a custom command button. |
LoadCustomData | Occurs when the control’s EnableSession property is set to false and needs to load worksheet data. You may handle this event in sessionless mode to load worksheet data from a file or database. |
PageIndexChanged | Occurs when the control’s sheet page index is changed. |
RowDeleted | Occurs when a user deletes a row from the worksheet using the client-side menu. |
RowDeleting | Occurs when a user is trying to delete a row from a worksheet using the client-side menu. |
RowDoubleClick | Occurs when the row header is double clicked. |
RowInserted | Occurs when a user inserts a row into the worksheet using the client-side menu. |
SaveCommand | Occurs when the Save button is clicked. |
SheetTabClick | Occurs when a sheet tab is clicked. |
SubmitCommand | Occurs when the Submit button is clicked. |
UndoCommand | Occurs when the Undo button is clicked. |
AjaxCallFinished | Fires when the AJAX update of the control finished. (the EnableAJAX shall be set to true). |
CellModifiedOnAjax | Fires when the cell is modified in AJAX call. |
AfterColumnFilter | Fires when the filter is applied on a column. |
Handling Grid Events
To perform a specific operation on triggering a specific event, we have to create an event handler. An event handler performs the desired task when a certain event is triggered. The example that follows shows how to handle a simple grid event.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
CellEventHandler ce = new CellEventHandler() { | |
public void handleCellEvent(Object sender, CellEventArgs e) { | |
//Your event handler code goes here | |
if (e.getArgument().toString().equals("A1")) { | |
//Your rest of the code | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
gridweb.CellCommand = ce; | |
Working with Double Click Events
Aspose.Cells.GridWeb contains three types of double-click events:
- CellDoubleClick, fired when a cell is double-clicked.
- ColumnDoubleClick, fired when a column header is double-clicked.
- RowDoubleClick, fired when a row header is double-clicked.
This topic discusses how to enable double-click events in Aspose.Cells.GridWeb. It also discusses creating event handlers for these events.
Enabling Double Click Events
All types of double click events can be enabled client-side by setting the GridWeb control’s EnableDoubleClickEvent property to true.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
//Enabling Double Click events | |
gridweb.setEnableDoubleClickEvent(true); | |
Once double-click events are enabled, it is possible to create event handlers for any double-click events. These event handlers perform specific tasks when a given double-click event is fired.
Handling Double Click Events
Double Click Cell
The event handler for the CellDoubleClick event provides an argument of the CellEventArgs type, which provides the complete information of the cell that is double-clicked.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
CellEventHandler ce = new CellEventHandler() { | |
public void handleCellEvent(Object sender, CellEventArgs e) { | |
System.out.println("Cell " + e.getCell().getName() + " is double-clicked."); | |
} | |
}; | |
gridweb.CellDoubleClick = ce; | |
Double Click Column Header
The event handler for the ColumnDoubleClick event provides an argument of the RowColumnEventArgs type that provides the index number of the column for the header that was double-clicked and other information.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
//Event Handler for ColumnDoubleClick event | |
RowColumnEventHandler re = new RowColumnEventHandler() { | |
public void handleCellEvent(Object sender, RowColumnEventArgs e) { | |
System.out.println("Column header:" + (e.getNum() + 1) + " is double-clicked."); | |
} | |
}; | |
gridweb.ColumnDoubleClick = re; | |
Double Click Row Header
The event handler for the RowDoubleClick event provides an argument of the RowColumnEventArgs type that provides the index number of the row for the header that was double-clicked and other related information.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
//Event Handler for RowDoubleClick event | |
RowColumnEventHandler re = new RowColumnEventHandler() { | |
public void handleCellEvent(Object sender, RowColumnEventArgs e) { | |
System.out.println("Row header:" + (e.getNum() + 1) + " is double-clicked."); | |
} | |
}; | |
gridweb.RowDoubleClick = re; | |
Setting Style or Appearance of Aspose.Cells.GridWeb
Aspose.Cells.GridWeb has its own default look & feel but it is possible to change its appearance. Aspose.Cells.GridWeb provides several properties to let developers fully control its appearance. This topic discusses some of those properties.
Setting Style or Appearance of Aspose.Cells.GridWeb
Preset Styles
To save the efforts of developers, Aspose.Cells.GridWeb offers some preset styles. Simply select a style from the list to apply the style.
Styles | Color Scheme |
Standard | Silver |
Colorful1 | Rose |
Colorful2 | Blue |
Professional1 | Cyan |
Professional2 | Cyan again |
Traditional1 | Dark |
Traditional2 | Gray |
Custom | Customized |
When a particular style is selected, it changes the whole appearance of the GridWeb control. Developers can select a Preset Style to be applied on runtime using the flexible API of Aspose.Cells.GridWeb. |
The GridWeb control provides the PresetStyle property to which developers can assign any desired preset style.
The output of the below code snippet is shown below.
GridWeb control with Colorful1 style applied on it
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
int presetStyle = PresetStyle.COLORFUL_1; | |
gridweb.setPresetStyle(presetStyle); | |
Header Bar Style
If you take a look at the GridWeb control, you’ll notice two header bars. One for columns (that is A, B, C, D, etc.) and other for rows (that is 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). Aspose.Cells.GridWeb allows developers to control the appearance of these header bars. Developers may set the style of header bars on runtime.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
int presetStyle = PresetStyle.COLORFUL_1; | |
gridweb.setPresetStyle(presetStyle); | |
Tab Bar Style
It’s possible to set the style of the tab bar too. Please see the following code
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
//Setting the background color of the header bars | |
gridweb.getHeaderBarStyle().setBackColor(Color.getBrown()); | |
//Setting the foreground color of the header bars | |
gridweb.getHeaderBarStyle().setForeColor(Color.getYellow()); | |
//Setting the font of the header bars to bold | |
gridweb.getHeaderBarStyle().getFont().setBold(true); | |
//Setting the font name to "Century Gothic" | |
gridweb.getHeaderBarStyle().getFont().setName("Century Gothic"); | |
//Setting the border width to 2 points | |
gridweb.getHeaderBarStyle().setBorderWidth(Unit.Point(2)); | |
Loading Style File
To apply style settings from an existing style file to GridWeb control, developers can set the path of style file to CustomStyleFileName property of the control. But, before doing that it is must to set the PresetStyle property of the control to Custom. It is because that style file contains custom style information that is already defined by a developer.
Please see the following image that shows GridWeb with the custom style applied to it.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
String customFilePath = "http://localhost:8080/GDemo/xml/CustomStyle1.xml"; | |
int presetStyle = PresetStyle.CUSTOM; | |
gridweb.setCustomStyleFileName(customFilePath); | |
Sample Custom Style Template
Here is the sample custom style template. You can modify it as per your requirements.
<aspose.excel.web.viewerStyletemplate runat="server" HeaderBarWidth="30pt" ScrollBarBaseColor="#AFEEEE" SelectCellBgColor="#FFFAF0" ActiveHeaderBgColor="#DAA520" ActiveCellBgColor="#DDDDFF" FrameTableStyle-BorderStyle="Solid" FrameTableStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" FrameTableStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderColor="" FrameTableStyle-LayoutFixed="Fixed" FrameTableStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" FrameTableStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderColor="" FrameTableStyle-BorderWidth="1px" FrameTableStyle-CellSpacing="0" FrameTableStyle-BorderColor="#C0FFC0" FrameTableStyle-CellPadding="0" FrameTableStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" FrameTableStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderColor="" FrameTableStyle-BackColor="#FFFFCC" FrameTableStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" FrameTableStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderColor="" HeaderBarStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" HeaderBarStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderColor="" HeaderBarStyle-verticalalign="Middle" HeaderBarStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" HeaderBarStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderColor="" HeaderBarStyle-BorderWidth="1px" HeaderBarStyle-font-size="10pt" HeaderBarStyle-BorderColor="#00C0C0" HeaderBarStyle-BorderStyle="Solid" HeaderBarStyle-horizontalalign="Center" HeaderBarStyle-ForeColor="Red" HeaderBarStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" HeaderBarStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderColor="" HeaderBarStyle-BackColor="#D8BFD8" HeaderBarStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" HeaderBarStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderColor="" ViewTableStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" ViewTableStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderColor="" ViewTableStyle-LayoutFixed="Fixed" ViewTableStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" ViewTableStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderColor="" ViewTableStyle-BorderWidth="0px" ViewTableStyle-CellSpacing="0" ViewTableStyle-CellPadding="0" ViewTableStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" ViewTableStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderColor="" ViewTableStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" ViewTableStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderColor="" BottomTableStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" BottomTableStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderColor="" BottomTableStyle-LayoutFixed="Fixed" BottomTableStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" BottomTableStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderColor="" BottomTableStyle-Height="32pt" BottomTableStyle-BorderWidth="0px" BottomTableStyle-CellSpacing="0" BottomTableStyle-BorderColor="#80FF80" BottomTableStyle-CellPadding="0" BottomTableStyle-ForeColor="#FFE0C0" BottomTableStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderStyle="Solid" BottomTableStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderWidth="1px" BottomTableStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderColor="#FF69B4" BottomTableStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" BottomTableStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderColor="" HeaderBarHeight="15pt" ActiveTabStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" ActiveTabStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderColor="" ActiveTabStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" ActiveTabStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderColor="" ActiveTabStyle-Height="15pt" ActiveTabStyle-BorderWidth="1px" ActiveTabStyle-font-size="10pt" ActiveTabStyle-BorderColor="#00C0C0" ActiveTabStyle-BorderStyle="Solid" ActiveTabStyle-ForeColor="#FF00FF" ActiveTabStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" ActiveTabStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderColor="" ActiveTabStyle-BackColor="#80FFFF" ActiveTabStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" ActiveTabStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderColor="" HeaderBarTableStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" HeaderBarTableStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderColor="" HeaderBarTableStyle-LayoutFixed="Fixed" HeaderBarTableStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" HeaderBarTableStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderColor="" HeaderBarTableStyle-BorderWidth="0px" HeaderBarTableStyle-CellSpacing="0" HeaderBarTableStyle-CellPadding="0" HeaderBarTableStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" HeaderBarTableStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderColor="" HeaderBarTableStyle-BackColor="#C0FFC0" HeaderBarTableStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" HeaderBarTableStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderColor="" DefaultGridLineColor="#228B22" TabStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" TabStyle-LeftBorderStyle-BorderColor="" TabStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" TabStyle-RightBorderStyle-BorderColor="" TabStyle-Height="15pt" TabStyle-BorderWidth="1px" TabStyle-font-size="8pt" TabStyle-BorderColor="#8080FF" TabStyle-BorderStyle="Groove" TabStyle-ForeColor="#FFFFCC" TabStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" TabStyle-TopBorderStyle-BorderColor="" TabStyle-BackColor="#C0C0FF" TabStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderWidth="" TabStyle-BottomBorderStyle-BorderColor="" scrollbararrowColor="#778899"/>
Creating Control on a Web Form
This article will guide you on how to create a simple web form JSP (Java Server Page) having GridWeb control on it.
Step 1 - Create Directory Structure
You need to create the following directory structure in the webapps directory of Tomcat Server
These are the directories and files you need to create. Please read the comments and follow them. You can get the latest Aspose.Cells.GridWeb for Java release archives from this link.
//Get acwclient directory from GridWeb latest release archive from Downloads section
//Get aspose-gridweb-x.x.x.jar file from GridWeb latest release archive from Downloads section
//Create this excel file using Microsoft Excel or you can use any excel file and rename it SampleExcel.xlsx
Step 2 - Adding Codes in Created Files
This section shows the code for various files created in the above directory structure. Please get these codes and add them in your files by opening them in Notepad and copy/paste it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:web="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
String path = request.getContextPath();
String basePath = request.getScheme()+"://"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+path+"/";
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE9"/>
<base href="<%=basePath%>">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"
<link href="grid/acw_client/menu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
span.acwxc {
overflow: hidden;
border: none;
display: block;
white-space: pre;
span.rotation90 {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border: none;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(-90deg);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3 );
display: block
span.rotation-90 {
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1 );
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border: none;
-webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(90deg);
display: block
span.wrap {
white-space: pre-wrap;
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;
white-space: -pre-wrap;
white-space: -o-pre-wrap;
word-wrap: break-word;
-ms-word-break: break-all;
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
WorkbookEventHandler we=new WorkbookEventHandler(){ | |
public void handleCellEvent(Object sender, CellEventArgs e){ | |
System.out.println("----------Save Command----------"); | |
} | |
}; | |
CellEventHandler ceh=new CellEventHandler(){ | |
public void handleCellEvent(Object sender, CellEventArgs e){ | |
System.out.println("---------Cell Double Click---------"); | |
} | |
}; | |
RowColumnEventHandler reh=new RowColumnEventHandler(){ | |
public void handleCellEvent(Object sender, RowColumnEventArgs e){ | |
System.out.println("----------Row Double Click---------------"); | |
} | |
}; | |
RowColumnEventHandler cdbclick=new RowColumnEventHandler(){ | |
public void handleCellEvent(Object sender, RowColumnEventArgs e){ | |
System.out.println("----------Column Double Click-------------"); | |
} | |
}; | |
gridweb.setEnableDoubleClickEvent(true); | |
gridweb.SaveCommand=we; | |
gridweb.CellDoubleClick=ceh; | |
gridweb.RowDoubleClick=reh; | |
gridweb.ColumnDoubleClick=cdbclick; | |
Step 3 - Running Your Sample JSP Web Page
Now you have done everything. It is time to run the web page. Please start your Tomcat server and then paste the following URL in the web browser.
You will see something like the following screenshot. Congrats, you have successfully used the GridWeb control on your JSP page.
Printing GridWeb
There are times when developers need to print the GridWeb content included from a web page without saving a Microsoft Excel file. The Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control supports this feature.
Printing GridWeb
To print without saving a separate file, call the GridWeb class' print() method client-side to print the grid. You may choose some appropriate event too.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
//Printing Grid web | |
gridweb.print(); | |
Since you are calling it from the client side, so you will have to first get the gridweb client id. You can get the client id using gridweb.getClientID() method.
Client Side Sample Code
Please see the following link which calls gridweb.print() method from client side.
<a href="#" onclick='<%=gridweb.getClientID()%>.print(); '>Print Function of GridWeb</a>
Introduction to Different Grid Modes
This article describes Aspose.Cells.GridWeb’s different modes. These modes are differentiated logically due to their different features and behaviors. We have identified different types of mode as:
- Edit Mode
- View Mode
All of these modes have their own characteristics. Developers can work with Aspose.Cells.GridWeb in any mode according to their requirements. We’ll look at each mode below.
Edit Mode
By default, the Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control is in Edit mode. In Edit mode, you can fully edit or modify the grid content using all the features offered by the Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control. These features include:
- Saving the grid content to Microsoft Excel files.
- Submitting data to a server.
- Calculating formulas.
- Undoing or discarding previous actions.
- Managing rows and columns.
- Cutting, copying or pasting data.
- Formatting cells etc.
GridWeb control in Edit Mode
Developers can also switch to Edit mode programmatically by setting the EditMode property of the GridWeb control to true.
Code Example
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
//Enabling the Edit Mode of GridWeb | |
gridweb.setEditMode(true); | |
View Mode
When the GridWeb control is in View mode, users cannot edit or modify grid content, which means that users can only view grid content. That’s why this mode is called View mode. In View mode, a few buttons (Submit, Save and Undo) are hidden and the menu that appears when right-clicking only contains the Copy and Find option.
GridWeb control in View Mode
If developers would like their users to only view data then they can switch to View mode programmatically by setting the GridWeb control’s EditMode property to false.
Code Example
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
//Enabling the View Mode of GridWeb | |
gridweb.setEditMode(false); | |