Changing the Font and Color of a Row or Column

Changing the Font & Color of a Column

To change the font and color of a column using Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop, please follow the steps below:

  • Access any desired Worksheet
  • Access a Column whose font and color are to be changed
  • Create a customized Font
  • Set the Font of the Column to the customized one
  • Finally, set Font Color of the Column to any desired Color
 //Accessing the worksheet of the Grid that is currently active

Worksheet sheet = gridDesktop1.GetActiveWorksheet();

//Accessing the first column of the worksheet

GridColumn column = sheet.Columns[0];

//Creating a customized Font object

Font font = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold);

//Setting the font of the column to the customized Font object


//Setting the font color of the column to Blue


Changing the Font & Color of a Row

  • Access any desired Worksheet
  • Access a Row whose font and color are to be changed
  • Create a customized Font
  • Set the Font of the Row to the customized one
  • Finally, set Font Color of the Row to any desired Color
 //Accessing the worksheet of the Grid that is currently active

Worksheet sheet = gridDesktop1.GetActiveWorksheet();

//Accessing the first row of the worksheet

GridRow row = sheet.Rows[0];

//Creating a customized Font object

Font font = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Underline);

//Setting the font of the column to the customized Font object


//Setting the font color of the column to Green
