Freeze Unfreeze Rows and Columns
This topic deals with the information about freezing and unfreezing rows and columns of a worksheet. Freezing columns or rows enables users to keep the column headings or row titles visible while they are scrolling to other parts of the worksheet. This feature is very helpful for scrolling through the worksheets that contain huge volumes of data. Because, in such cases, when users will scroll data then only data will be scrolled down and headings would stay there to increase the readability of data.
Freezing Columns
To freeze columns of a worksheet using Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop, please follow the steps below:
- Access any desired Worksheet
- Set the number of Frozen Columns in the Worskheet
Un-Freezing Columns
To unfreeze columns of a worksheet using Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop, please follow the steps below:
- Access any desired Worksheet
- Set the number of Frozen Columns in the Worskheet to Zero (0). It will produce the effect of unfrozen columns
Freezing Rows
To freeze rows of a worksheet using Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop, please follow the steps below:
- Access any desired Worksheet
- Set the number of Frozen Rows in the Worskheet
Un-Freezing Rows
To unfreeze rows of a worksheet using Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop, please follow the steps below:
- Access any desired Worksheet
- Set the number of Frozen Rows in the Worskheet to Zero (0). It will produce the effect of unfrozen rows