Image Markers
Aspose.Cells smart markers support image markers too. This section shows you how to insert pictures using smart markers.
Image Parameters
Smart marker parameters for managing images.
- Picture:FitToCell - Auto-fit the image to the cell’s row height and column width.
- Picture:ScaleN - Scale height and width to N percent.
- Picture:Width:Nin&Height:Nin - Render the image N inches high and N inches wide. You can also sepecify Left and Top positions (in points).
string FilePath = @"..\..\..\Sample Files\";
string FileName = FilePath + "Image Markers.xlsx";
//Get the image data.
byte[] imageData = File.ReadAllBytes(FilePath + "Aspose.Cells.png");
//Create a datatable.
DataTable t = new DataTable("Table1");
//Add a column to save pictures.
DataColumn dc = t.Columns.Add("Picture");
//Set its data type.
dc.DataType = typeof(object);
//Add a new new record to it.
DataRow row = t.NewRow();
row[0] = imageData;
//Add another record (having picture) to it.
//imageData = File.ReadAllBytes(FilePath + "Desert.jpg");
//row = t.NewRow();
//row[0] = imageData;
//Create WorkbookDesigner object.
WorkbookDesigner designer = new WorkbookDesigner();
//Open the temple Excel file.
designer.Workbook = new Workbook(FileName);
//Set the datasource.
//Process the markers.
//Save the Excel file.