Formatera pivot tabellceller

Följande exempelkod läser in exemplet Excel-fil som innehåller två pivot-tabeller och uppnår operationen att formatera hela pivot-tabellen och formatera individuella celler i pivot-tabellen.

from aspose.cells import BackgroundType, Workbook
from aspose.pydrawing import Color
# Create workbook object from source file containing pivot table
workbook = Workbook("pivot_format.xlsx")
# Access the worksheet by its name
worksheet = workbook.worksheets.get("Sheet1")
# Access the pivot table
pivotTable = worksheet.pivot_tables[1]
# Create a style object with background color light blue
style = workbook.create_style()
style.pattern = BackgroundType.SOLID
style.background_color = Color.light_blue
# Format entire pivot table with light blue color
# Create another style object with yellow color
style = workbook.create_style()
style.pattern = BackgroundType.SOLID
style.background_color = Color.yellow
# Access the pivot table
pivotTable2 = worksheet.pivot_tables[0]
# Format the cell of pivot table
pivotTable2.format(16, 5, style)
# Save the workbook object"out.xlsx")

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