自 Aspose.Cells 中的 Excel XP 以来的高级保护设置

使用 Excel XP 及更高版本的高级保护设置

查看 Excel XP 中可用的保护设置:

  1. 来自工具菜单,选择保护其次是保护表. 显示一个对话框。

    在 Excel XP 中显示保护选项的对话框


  1. 允许或限制工作表功能或应用密码。

使用 Aspose.Cells 的高级保护设置

Aspose.Cells 支持所有高级保护设置。

Aspose.Cells提供了一个类,工作簿,代表一个 Microsoft Excel 文件。这工作簿类包含一个工作表允许访问 Excel 文件中每个工作表的集合。工作表由工作表班级。


下面是一个小的示例应用程序。它打开一个 Excel 文件并使用 Excel XP 和更高版本支持的大部分高级保护设置。


 //Creating a file stream containing the Excel file to be opened

FileStream fstream = new FileStream("book1.xls", FileMode.Open);

//Instantiating a Workbook object

//Opening the Excel file through the file stream

Workbook excel = new Workbook(fstream);

//Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file

Worksheet worksheet = excel.Worksheets[0];

//Restricting users to delete columns of the worksheet

worksheet.Protection.AllowDeletingColumn = false;

//Restricting users to delete row of the worksheet

worksheet.Protection.AllowDeletingRow = false;

//Restricting users to edit contents of the worksheet

worksheet.Protection.AllowEditingContent = false;

//Restricting users to edit objects of the worksheet

worksheet.Protection.AllowEditingObject = false;

//Restricting users to edit scenarios of the worksheet

worksheet.Protection.AllowEditingScenario = false;

//Restricting users to filter

worksheet.Protection.AllowFiltering = false;

//Allowing users to format cells of the worksheet

worksheet.Protection.AllowFormattingCell = true;

//Allowing users to format rows of the worksheet

worksheet.Protection.AllowFormattingRow = true;

//Allowing users to insert columns in the worksheet

worksheet.Protection.AllowFormattingColumn = true;

//Allowing users to insert hyperlinks in the worksheet

worksheet.Protection.AllowInsertingHyperlink = true;

//Allowing users to insert rows in the worksheet

worksheet.Protection.AllowInsertingRow = true;

//Allowing users to select locked cells of the worksheet

worksheet.Protection.AllowSelectingLockedCell = true;

//Allowing users to select unlocked cells of the worksheet

worksheet.Protection.AllowSelectingUnlockedCell = true;

//Allowing users to sort

worksheet.Protection.AllowSorting = true;

//Allowing users to use pivot tables in the worksheet

worksheet.Protection.AllowUsingPivotTable = true;

//Saving the modified Excel file

excel.Save("output.xls", SaveFormat.Excel97To2003);

//Closing the file stream to free all resources


