3D Chart
Set RotationX, RotationY and DepthPercents properties of 3D Chart
Aspose.Slides for Java provides a simple API for setting these properties. This following article will help you how set different properties like X,Y Rotation, DepthPercents etc. The sample code applies setting the above said properties.
- Create an instance of the Presentation class.
- Access first slide.
- Add chart with default data.
- Set Rotation3D properties.
- Write the modified presentation to a PPTX file.
Presentation pres = new Presentation();
try {
// Access first slide
ISlide slide = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0);
// Add chart with default data
IChart chart = slide.getShapes().addChart(ChartType.StackedColumn3D, 0, 0, 500, 500);
// Setting the index of chart data sheet
int defaultWorksheetIndex = 0;
// Getting the chart data worksheet
IChartDataWorkbook fact = chart.getChartData().getChartDataWorkbook();
// Add series
chart.getChartData().getSeries().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 1, "Series 1"), chart.getType());
chart.getChartData().getSeries().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 2, "Series 2"), chart.getType());
// Add Catrgories
chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 0, "Caetegoty 1"));
chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 0, "Caetegoty 2"));
chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 0, "Caetegoty 3"));
// Set Rotation3D properties
// Take second chart series
IChartSeries series = chart.getChartData().getSeries().get_Item(1);
// Now populating series data
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 1, 20));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 1, 50));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 1, 30));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 2, 30));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 2, 10));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 2, 60));
// Set OverLap value
// Write presentation to disk
pres.save("Rotation3D_out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
} finally {
if (pres != null) pres.dispose();