Find And Replace in Ruby
Aspose.Words - Find And Replace
To replace text using Aspose.Words Java in Ruby, simply invoke the replace_text() method.
Ruby Code
## The path to the documents directory.
data_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) + '/data/quickstart/'
\# Open the document.
doc = Rjb::import('com.aspose.words.Document').new(data_dir + "ReplaceSimple.doc")
\# Check the text of the document.
puts "Original document text: " + doc.getRange().getText()
\# Replace the text in the document.
doc.getRange().replace("_CustomerName_", "James Bond", false, false)
\# Check the replacement was made.
puts "Document text after replace: " + doc.getRange().getText()
\# Save the modified document. + "ReplaceSimple Out.doc")
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