Capturer les Viewports de la scène 3D et rendre à une texture ou une fenêtre

Capture et rendu des Viewports de la scène 3D

Les méthodes CreateRenderTexture et CreateRenderWindow exposées par la classe RenderFactory peuvent être utilisées pour créer une nouvelle cible de rendu qui rend la scène à une texture ou à une fenêtre.

Échantillon de programmation

Cet exemple de code capture un viewport de 3D Scene et le rend de deux manières différentes.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Load an existing 3D scene
Scene scene = Scene.FromFile("scene.obj");
// Create an instance of the camera
Camera camera = new Camera();
scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("camera", camera).Transform.Translation = new Vector3(2, 44, 66);
// Set the target
camera.LookAt = new Vector3(50, 12, 0);
// Create a light
scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("light", new Light() { Color = new Vector3(Color.White), LightType = LightType.Point }).Transform.Translation = new Vector3(26, 57, 43);
// The CreateRenderer will create a hardware OpenGL-backend renderer
// And some internal initializations will be done.
// When the renderer left using the scope, the unmanaged hardware resources will also be disposed
using (var renderer = Renderer.CreateRenderer())
renderer.EnableShadows = false;
// Create a new render target that renders the scene to texture(s)
// Use default render parameters
// And one output targets
// Size is 1024 x 1024
// This render target can have multiple render output textures, but here we only need one output.
// The other textures and depth textures are mainly used by deferred shading in the future.
// But you can also access the depth texture through IRenderTexture.DepthTeture
// Use CreateRenderWindow method to render in window, like:
// Window = renderer.RenderFactory.CreateRenderWindow(new RenderParameters(), Handle);
using (IRenderTexture rt = renderer.RenderFactory.CreateRenderTexture(new RenderParameters(), 1, 1024, 1024))
// This render target has one viewport to render, the viewport occupies the 100% width and 100% height
Viewport vp = rt.CreateViewport(camera, new RelativeRectangle() { ScaleWidth = 1, ScaleHeight = 1 });
// Render the target and save the target texture to external file
((ITexture2D)rt.Targets[0]).Save(RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath("file-1viewports_out.png"), ImageFormat.Png);
// Now let's change the previous viewport only uses the half left side(50% width and 100% height)
vp.Area = new RelativeRectangle() { ScaleWidth = 0.5f, ScaleHeight = 1 };
// And create a new viewport that occupies the 50% width and 100% height and starts from 50%
// Both of them are using the same camera, so the rendered content should be the same
rt.CreateViewport(camera, new RelativeRectangle() { ScaleX = 0.5f, ScaleWidth = 0.5f, ScaleHeight = 1 });
// But this time let's increase the field of view of the camera to 90 degree so it can see more part of the scene
camera.FieldOfView = 90;
((ITexture2D)rt.Targets[0]).Save(RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath("file-2viewports_out.png"), ImageFormat.Png);