Save a 3D Scene in the PDF in C#


This article explains how you can convert 3D file to PDF format using C# .NET 3D file manipulation and conversion API, first you need to load 3D file into Scene object and then save it into PDF format. It covers wide range of topics e.g.

  • Convert 3D to PDF in C#
  • Convert FBX to PDF in C#
  • Convert STL to PDF in C#
  • Convert U3D to PDF in C#
  • Convert OBJ to PDF in C#

Bir silindir ile 3D PDF oluşturun ve CAD optimize edilmiş aydınlatma ile gölgeli illüstrasyon modunda işleyin

The Save method of the Scene class allows to save a 3D scene in the PDF format. Developers may load any 3D supported file or build a new 3D scene, they can save a 3D scene in the PDF format as shown in this C# code example: