
DotCodeExtCodetextBuilder class

Extended codetext generator for 2D DotCode barcodes for ExtendedCodetext Mode of DotCodeEncodeMode

The DotCodeExtCodetextBuilder type exposes the following members:


Name Description
DotCodeExtCodetextBuilder() Initializes a new instance of the DotCodeExtCodetextBuilder class


Name Description
clear() Clears extended codetext items
add_plain_codetext(codetext) Adds plain codetext to the extended codetext items
add_eci_codetext(eci_encoding, codetext) Adds codetext with Extended Channel Identifier
get_extended_codetext() Generates Extended codetext from the extended codetext list.
add_fnc1_format_identifier() Adds FNC1 format identifier to the extended codetext items
add_fnc3_symbol_separator() Adds FNC3 symbol separator to the extended codetext items
add_fnc3_reader_initialization() Adds FNC3 reader initialization to the extended codetext items
add_structured_append_mode(barcode_id, barcodes_count) Adds structured append mode to the extended codetext items

See Also