Find and Refresh the Nested or Children Pivot Tables of Parent Pivot Table

Possible Usage Scenarios

Sometimes, one pivot table uses another pivot table as a data source, so it is called a child pivot table or nested pivot table. You can find the children pivot tables of a parent pivot table using the PivotTable.GetChildren() method.

Find and Refresh the Nested or Children Pivot Tables of Parent Pivot Table

The following sample code loads the sample Excel file that contains three pivot tables. The bottom two pivot tables are the children of the above pivot table as shown in this screenshot. The code finds the children pivot table using the PivotTable.GetChildren() method and then refreshes them one by one.


Sample Code

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
//Load sample Excel file
Workbook wb = new Workbook("sampleFindAndRefreshNestedOrChildrenPivotTables.xlsx");
//Access first worksheet
Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];
//Access third pivot table
PivotTable ptParent = ws.PivotTables[2];
//Access the children of the parent pivot table
PivotTable[] ptChildren = ptParent.GetChildren();
//Refresh all the children pivot table
int count = ptChildren.Length;
for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
//Access the child pivot table
PivotTable ptChild = ptChildren[idx];
//Refresh the child pivot table