Public API Changes in Aspose.Cells 8.2.0
Added MultiThreadReading Property for Cells Class
With Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.2.0, the MultiThreadReading property has been added to the Cells class in order to provide more robust mechanism to read cells values with multiple threads simultaneously. Setting the Boolean type property to true in the multi-threaded application makes sure that each thread will receive the correct cells value.
Added Overloads for AutoFitRows & AutoFitColumns Methods
New overloads for AutoFitRows & AutoFitColumns have been added to the Worksheet class, allowing the developers to auto fit the rows & columns based on their respective ranges while passing an instance of the AutoFitterOptions class.
The signatures of aforesaid methods are as follow:
- AutoFitRows(int startRow, int endRow, AutoFitterOptions options)
- AutoFitColumns(int firstColumn, int lastColumn, AutoFitterOptions options)