Update Days Preserving History of Revision Logs in Shared Workbook

Possible Usage Scenarios

When you share a workbook, you get an option saying Keep change history for N days as shown in the following screenshot. You can update the number of days for preserving history using Aspose.Cells with WorksheetCollection.RevisionLogs.DaysPreservingHistory property.


Update Days Preserving History of Revision Logs in Shared Workbook

The following sample code creates an empty workbook, then shares it and updates the revision logs days preserving history to 7 days which is normally 30 days. Please see the output Excel file generated by the code for a reference.

Sample Code

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-.NET
//Create empty workbook
Workbook wb = new Workbook();
//Share the workbook
wb.Settings.Shared = true;
//Update DaysPreservingHistory of RevisionLogs
wb.Worksheets.RevisionLogs.DaysPreservingHistory = 7;
//Save the workbook