Print and Preview workbook
Print Introduction
Microsoft Excel assumes that you want to print the entire worksheet area unless you specify a selection. To print using Aspose.Cells, first import the Aspose.Cells.Rendering namespace to the program. It has several useful classes, for example, SheetRender and WorkbookRender.
Print Using SheetRender
The Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender class represents a worksheet and has the ToPrinter method which can print a worksheet. The following sample code shows how to print a worksheet.
Print Using WorkbookRender
To print a whole workbook, iterate through the sheets and print them, or use the WorkbookRender class.
Print Preview
There may be cases where Excel files with millions of pages need to be converted to PDF or images. Processing such files will consume a lot of time and resources. In such cases, the Workbook and Worksheet Print Preview feature might prove to be useful. Before converting such files, the user can check the total number of pages and then decide whether the file is to be converted or not. This article focuses on using the WorkbookPrintingPreview and SheetPrintingPreview classes to find out the total number of pages.
Aspose.Cells provides the print preview feature. For this, the API provides WorkbookPrintingPreview and SheetPrintingPreview classes. To create the print preview of the whole workbook, create an instance of the WorkbookPrintingPreview class by passing Workbook and ImageOrPrintOptions objects to the constructor. The WorkbookPrintingPreview class provides an EvaluatedPageCount method which returns the number of pages in the generated preview. Similar to WorkbookPrintingPreview class, the SheetPrintingPreview class is used to generate a print preview for a specific worksheet. To create the print preview of a worksheet, create an instance of the SheetPrintingPreview class by passing Worksheet and ImageOrPrintOptions objects to the constructor. The SheetPrintingPreview class also provides an EvaluatedPageCount method which returns the number of pages in the generated preview.
The following code snippet demonstrates the use of both WorkbookPrintingPreview and SheetPrintingPreview classes by using the sample excel file.
Sample Code
The following is the output generated by executing the above code.
Console Output
Workbook page count: 1
Worksheet page count: 1
Advance topics
- Configuring Fonts for Rendering Spreadsheets
- Convert Worksheet to Image - Remove whitespace around data
- Converting Worksheet to Image and Worksheet to Image by Page
- Converting Worksheet to Image using ImageOrPrint Options
- Export Range of Cells in a Worksheet to Image
- Export Worksheet or Chart into Image with Desired Width and Height
- Extract Images from Worksheets using ImageOrPrintOptions
- Generate Thumbnail of the Worksheet
- Output Blank Page when there is Nothing to Print
- Page Setup and Printing Options
- Printing Range of Pages using SheetRender and WorkbookRender
- Render Sequence of Pages using PageIndex and PageCount Properties of ImageOrPrintOptions
- Render Worksheet to Graphic Context
- Specify Individual or Private Set of Fonts for Workbook Rendering
- Specify Job or Document Name while printing with Aspose.Cells