Search and Get Text from Pages of PDF Document

Search and Get Text from All the Pages of PDF Document

TextFragmentAbsorber class allows you to find text, matching a particular phrase, from all the pages of a PDF document. In order to search text from the whole document, you need to call the Accept method of Pages collection. The ‘Accept’ method takes TextFragmentAbsorber object as a parameter, which returns a collection of TextFragment objects.

The following code snippet shows you how to search for text from all the pages.

using namespace System;
using namespace Aspose::Pdf;
using namespace Aspose::Pdf::Text;

void SearchAndGetTextFromAllThePagesOfPDFDocument() {
    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");

    auto document = new Document(_dataDir + u"sample.pdf");

    // Create TextAbsorber object to find all instances of the input search phrase
    auto textFragmentAbsorber = MakeObject<TextFragmentAbsorber>("document");

    // Accept the absorber for all the pages

    // Get the extracted text fragments into collection
    auto textFragmentCollection = textFragmentAbsorber->get_TextFragments();

    // Loop through the fragments
    for (auto textFragment : textFragmentCollection) {
        Console::WriteLine(u"Text :- {0}", textFragment->get_Text());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Position :- {0}", textFragment->get_Position());
        Console::WriteLine(u"XIndent :- {0}", textFragment->get_Position()->get_XIndent());
        Console::WriteLine(u"YIndent :- {0}", textFragment->get_Position()->get_YIndent());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Font - Name :- {0}", textFragment->get_TextState()->get_Font()->get_FontName());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Font - IsAccessible :- {0}", textFragment->get_TextState()->get_Font()->get_IsAccessible());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Font - IsEmbedded - {0}", textFragment->get_TextState()->get_Font()->get_IsEmbedded());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Font - IsSubset :- {0}", textFragment->get_TextState()->get_Font()->get_IsSubset());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Font Size :- {0}", textFragment->get_TextState()->get_FontSize());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Foreground Color :- {0}", textFragment->get_TextState()->get_ForegroundColor());

Search and Get Text from all pages using Regular Expression

TextFragmentAbsorber helps you search and retrieve text, from all the pages, based on a regular expression. First, you need to pass a regular expression to TextFragmentAbsorber constructor as the phrase. After that, you have to set the TextSearchOptions property of the TextFragmentAbsorber object. This property requires TextSearchOptions object and you need to pass true as a parameter to its constructor while creating new objects. As you want to retrieve matching text from all the pages, you need to call Accept method of Pages collection. TextFragmentAbsorber returns a TextFragmentCollection containing all the fragments matching the criteria specified by the regular expression. The following code snippet shows you how to search and get text from all the pages based on a regular expression.

void SearchAndGetTextFromPagesUsingRegularExpression()
    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");

    auto document = new Document(_dataDir + u"sample.pdf");

    // Create TextAbsorber object to find all instances of the input search phrase
    auto textFragmentAbsorber = MakeObject<TextFragmentAbsorber>(u"\\d{4}-\\d{4}"); // like 1999-2000

    // Set text search option to specify regular expression usage
    auto textSearchOptions = MakeObject<TextSearchOptions>(true);

    // Accept the absorber for first page of document

    // Get the extracted text fragments into collection
    auto textFragmentCollection = textFragmentAbsorber->get_TextFragments();

    // Loop through the fragments
    for (auto textFragment : textFragmentCollection) {
        Console::WriteLine(u"Text :- {0}", textFragment->get_Text());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Position :- {0}", textFragment->get_Position());
        Console::WriteLine(u"XIndent :- {0}", textFragment->get_Position()->get_XIndent());
        Console::WriteLine(u"YIndent :- {0}", textFragment->get_Position()->get_YIndent());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Font - Name :- {0}", textFragment->get_TextState()->get_Font()->get_FontName());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Font - IsAccessible :- {0}", textFragment->get_TextState()->get_Font()->get_IsAccessible());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Font - IsEmbedded - {0}", textFragment->get_TextState()->get_Font()->get_IsEmbedded());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Font - IsSubset :- {0}", textFragment->get_TextState()->get_Font()->get_IsSubset());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Font Size :- {0}", textFragment->get_TextState()->get_FontSize());
        Console::WriteLine(u"Foreground Color :- {0}", textFragment->get_TextState()->get_ForegroundColor());