Convert HTML from ZIP archive to JPG – C# example

In this article, we create a custom Message Handler to do a specific task – convert HTML from ZIP archive to JPG.

There are many reasons why would you require to convert HTML from ZIP archive to JPG format. For example, if you want to convert an HTML(XHTML) document containing linked resources to JPG, you should pack all these resources along with the document into a single ZIP archive and convert it to JPG. Aspose.HTML for .NET provides functionality for creating custom message handlers for working with ZIP archives.

Create a Custom Message Handler

Aspose.HTML for .NET offers functionality for a custom message handler creating. Let’s design the custom handler that we can use to work with ZIP archives. Take the following steps:

  1. Use the necessary Namespace, which is the Aspose.Html.Net. This Namespace is presented by classes and interfaces which are responsible for helping easy network processing.

  2. To create a custom Message Handler, you need to define your own class that will be derived from the MessageHandler class. The MessageHandler class represents a base type for message handlers.

1using Aspose.Html.Net;
4	class ZipArchiveMessageHandler : MessageHandler
5	{
6	}
  1. Initialize an instance of the ZipArchiveMessageHandler class and define a Filter property for it.

  2. Override the Invoke() method of the MessageHandler class to implement the custom message handler behaviour.

 1// This message handler prints a message about start and finish processing request
 2class ZipArchiveMessageHandler : MessageHandler, IDisposable
 4    private string filePath;
 5    private Archive archive;
 7    // Initialize an instance of the ZipArchiveMessageHandler class
 8    public ZipArchiveMessageHandler(string path)
 9    {
10        this.filePath = path;
11        Filters.Add(new ProtocolMessageFilter("zip"));
12    }
14    // Override the Invoke() method
15    public override void Invoke(INetworkOperationContext context)
16    {
17        // Call the GetFile() method that defines the logic in the Invoke() method
18        byte[] buff = GetFile(context.Request.RequestUri.Pathname.TrimStart('/'));
19        if (buff != null)
20        {
21            // Checking: if a resource is found in the archive, then return it as a Response
22            context.Response = new ResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
23            {
24                Content = new ByteArrayContent(buff)
25            };
26            context.Response.Headers.ContentType.MediaType = MimeType.FromFileExtension(context.Request.RequestUri.Pathname);
27        }
28        else
29        {
30            context.Response = new ResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
31        }
33        // Call the next message handler
34        Next(context);
35    }           
38    byte[] GetFile(string path)
39    {
40        path = path.Replace(@"\", @"/");
41        ArchiveEntry result = GetArchive().Entries.FirstOrDefault(x => path == x.Name);
42        if (result != null)
43        {
44            using (Stream fs = result.Open())
45            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
46            {
47                fs.CopyTo(ms);
48                return ms.ToArray();
49            }
50        }
51        return null;
52    }
54    Archive GetArchive()
55    {
56        return archive ??= new Archive(filePath);
57    }
59    public void Dispose()
60    {
61        archive?.Dispose();
62    }          

Let’s consider closer the code snippet:

Add ZipArchiveMessageHandler to the Pipeline

The key concept of message handlers work is chaining them together, and you would now need to add ZipArchiveMessageHandler in the pipeline. The Configuration() constructor creates an instance of the Configuration class. After the configuration is created, the GetService<INetworkService>(), and MessageHandlers.Add() methods are invoked. The Add() method takes a zip object as a parameter and appends ZipArchiveMessageHandler to the end of the message handlers’ collection.

 1// Add this line before you try to use the 'IBM437' encoding
 4// Prepare path to a source zip file
 5string documentPath = Path.Combine(DataDir, "");
 7// Prepare path for converted file saving
 8string savePath = Path.Combine(OutputDir, "zip-to-jpg.jpg");
10// Create an instance of ZipArchiveMessageHandler
11using ZipArchiveMessageHandler zip = new ZipArchiveMessageHandler(documentPath);
13// Create an instance of the Configuration class
14using Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
16// Add ZipArchiveMessageHandler to the chain of existing message handlers
18    .GetService<INetworkService>()
19    .MessageHandlers.Add(zip);
21// Initialize an HTML document with specified configuration
22using HTMLDocument document = new HTMLDocument("zip:///test.html", configuration);
24// Create an instance of Rendering Options
25ImageRenderingOptions options = new ImageRenderingOptions()
27    Format = ImageFormat.Jpeg
30// Create an instance of Image Device   
31using ImageDevice device = new ImageDevice(options, savePath);
33// Render ZIP to JPG
Example-ConvertZIPtoJPG hosted with ❤ by GitHub

In the example, the ZIP archive ( has the HTML document (test.html) in which all related resources have paths relative to the HTML document.

Note: The HTMLDocument(address, configuration) constructor takes the absolute path to the ZIP archive. But all related resources have relative paths in the HTML document and in the example’s code.

For more information on how to convert HTML to JPG using Renderto(device) method, please read the Fine-Tuning Converters article.

You can download the complete C# examples and data files from GitHub.

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