Add background to PDF with C++
Adding a background to PDF files helps to improve the overall readability of the document. The content in the PDF is more engaging and readers will take notice if you have a good appearance of the document. The background can also be used to highlight the highlights of the PDF.
Background images can be used to add a watermark, or other subtle design, to documents. In Aspose.PDF for С++, each PDF document is a collection of pages and each page contains a collection of artifacts. The BackgroundArtifact class can be used to add a background image to a page object.
The following code snippet shows how to add a background image to PDF pages using the BackgroundArtifact object with C++.
void WorkingWithPages::AddBackgrounds()
String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");
// Create a new Document object
auto document = MakeObject<Document>();
// Add a new page to document object
auto page = document->get_Pages()->Add();
// Create Background Artifact object
auto background = MakeObject<BackgroundArtifact>();
// Specify the image for backgroundartifact object
background->set_BackgroundImage(System::IO::File::OpenRead(_dataDir + u"background.png"));
// Add backgroundartifact to artifacts collection of page
// Save the document
document->Save(_dataDir + u"ImageAsBackground_out.pdf");