Convert OpenOffice ODP

Aspose.Slides API allows you to convert OpenOffice ODP presentations to many formats. The API used to convert ODP files to other document formats is the same one used for PowerPoint (PPT and PPTX) conversion operations.

These examples show you how to convert ODP documents to other formats (just change the source ODP file):

For example, if you need to convert an ODP presentation to PDF, it can be done this way:

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.odp"))
    pres.Save("pres.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf);

OpenDocument Presentation in different applications

When an OpenDocument Presentation file is opened in PowerPoint, it may lack the formatting as it had in the original application where it was created because the OpenDocument Presentation app and PowerPoint app provide different features and options.

These are some of the differences:

  • In PowerPoint, all tables are typically loaded last and overlay other shapes (regardless of the shape arrangement on the ODP slide).
  • Picture fill for ODP tables is not supported in PowerPoint.
  • The text vertical rotation (270, stacked) and distributed alignment are not supported in LibreOffice/OpenOffice Impress.
  • Picture fill, gradient fill, and pattern fill for text are not supported in LibreOffice/OpenOffice Impress.

MS PowerPoint and LibreOffice/OpenOffice Impress handle lists differently as well. An ODP file created in PowerPoint will not open correctly in LibreOffice/OpenOffice and vice versa.

This image shows the view of the list created in the LibreOffice Impress:


Aspose.Slides saves the ODP lists to ensure they are displayed correctly in LibreOffice/OpenOffice Impress.

Learn more about the OpenDocument Format and PowerPoint.