Convert PowerPoint to Animated GIF

Converting Presentations to Animated GIF Using Default Settings

This sample code in C# shows you how to convert a presentation to animated GIF using standard settings:

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
    pres.Save("pres.gif", SaveFormat.Gif);

The animated GIF will be created with default parameters.

Converting Presentations to Animated GIF Using Custom Settings

This sample code shows you how to convert a presentation to animated GIF using custom settings in C#:

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
    pres.Save("pres.gif", SaveFormat.Gif, new GifOptions
        FrameSize = new Size(960, 720), // the size of the resulted GIF  
        DefaultDelay = 2000, // how long each slide will be showed until it will be changed to the next one
        TransitionFps = 35 // increase FPS to better transition animation quality