Working with Fonts
A font is a set of characters with a certain size, color, and design. Aspose.Words allows you to work with fonts using the Fonts namespace and the Font class.
Font Formatting
The current font formatting is represented by the Font object returned by the Font property. The Font class contains a wide variety of font properties, replicating those available in Microsoft Word.
The following code example shows how to set font formatting:
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
System::SharedPtr<Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(); | |
System::SharedPtr<DocumentBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc); | |
// Set font formatting properties | |
System::SharedPtr<Font> font = builder->get_Font(); | |
font->set_Bold(true); | |
font->set_Color(System::Drawing::Color::get_DarkBlue()); | |
font->set_Italic(true); | |
font->set_Name(u"Arial"); | |
font->set_Size(24); | |
font->set_Spacing(5); | |
font->set_Underline(Underline::Double); | |
// Output formatted text | |
builder->Writeln(u"I'm a very nice formatted string."); | |
System::String outputPath = outputDataDir + u"DocumentBuilderSetFormatting.SetFontFormatting.doc"; | |
doc->Save(outputPath); |
Fill properties now are also available for fonts to set fill formatting of text. It gives an ability to change, for example, the foreground color or transparency of text fill.
Getting Font Line Spacing
Font line spacing is the vertical distance between the baselines of two consecutive lines of text. So line spacing includes the blank space between lines along with the height of the character itself.
The LineSpacing property was introduced to the Font class to obtain this value, as shown in the example below:
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
// Initialize document. | |
System::SharedPtr<Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(); | |
System::SharedPtr<DocumentBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc); | |
builder->get_Font()->set_Name(u"Calibri"); | |
builder->Writeln(u"qText"); | |
// Obtain line spacing. | |
System::SharedPtr<Font> font = builder->get_Document()->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_FirstParagraph()->get_Runs()->idx_get(0)->get_Font(); | |
//Console.WriteLine($"lineSpacing = {font.LineSpacing}"); | |
std::cout << "lineSpacing = " << font->get_LineSpacing() << std::endl; |
Font EmphasisMark
Some East Asian languages use a special emphasis mark to indicate an emphasis. The Font class provides the EmphasisMark property to get or set the EmphasisMark
enumeration values to be applied when formatting.
The following code example shows how to set the EphasisMark property:
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
auto document = System::MakeObject<Document>(); | |
auto builder = System::MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(document); | |
builder->get_Font()->set_EmphasisMark(EmphasisMark::UnderSolidCircle); | |
builder->Write(u"Emphasis text"); | |
builder->Writeln(); | |
builder->get_Font()->ClearFormatting(); | |
builder->Write(u"Simple text"); | |
document->Save(outputDataDir + u"FontEmphasisMark_out.doc"); |