Working with TextBoxes

In Aspose.Words, the TextBox class is used to specify how text is displayed inside a shape. It exposes a public property named Parent to get the parent shape for the text box so that the customer can find the linked Shape from the associated TextBox.

The TextBox class provides IsValidLinkTarget method in order to check whether the TextBox can be linked to the target Textbox.

The following code example shows how to check if the TextBox can be linked to the target Textbox:

Check TextBox Sequence

There are several ways to display text in a shape. The TextBox can be the Head, Middle, or Tail of a sequence.

The following code example shows how to check if TextBox is a Head, Tail, or Middle of the sequence:

Using the BreakForwardLink method you can break the link to the next TextBox.

The following code example shows how to break a link for a TextBox: