Managing Page Breaks
According to the definition, a page break is a place in a flow of text where one page ends and the next begins. Microsoft Excel lets users add page breaks into any selected cell of a worksheet.
The location of the cell where the page break is added, the page is ended and the rest of the data after the page break is printed on the next page while printing. In simple words, page breaks divide your worksheet into multiple pages according to your specifications. You can also add page breaks to your worksheets at runtime using Aspose.Cells. Aspose.Cells allows developers to add two kinds of page breaks:
- Horizontal page break
- Vertical page break
In the rest of the discussion, we will describe how can you add horizontal or vertical page breaks into your worksheets using Aspose.Cells.
Page Breaks
Aspose.Cells provides a Workbook class that represents an Excel file. The Workbook class contains a Worksheets collection that allows access to each worksheet in the Excel file.
A worksheet is represented by the Worksheet class. The Worksheet class provides a wide range of properties and methods used to manage a worksheet.
To add the page breaks, use the Worksheet class' HorizontalPageBreaks and VerticalPageBreaks properties.
The HorizontalPageBreaks and VerticalPageBreaks properties are collections that may contain several page breaks. Each collection contains several methods for managing horizontal and vertical page breaks.
Adding Page Breaks
To add a page break in a worksheet, insert vertical and horizontal page breaks at the specified cell by calling the HorizontalPageBreakCollection.Add() and VerticalPageBreakCollection.Add() methods. Each Add method takes the name of the cell where the break should be added.
Clearing All Page Breaks
To clear all page breaks in a worksheet, call the HorizontalPageBreakCollection and VerticalPageBreakCollection collections' Clear() methods.
Removing Specific Page Break
To remove a specific page break, call the HorizontalPageBreakCollection.RemoveAt() and VerticalPageBreakCollection.RemoveAt() methods. Each RemoveAt method takes the index of the page break about to be removed.
Important to know
When you set FitToPages properties (that is FitToPagesTall and FitToPagesWide) in page setup settings, the page break settings are affected, so, if you print the worksheet, the page break settings are not considered although they are still set.