Bir Çalışma Kitabında Elektronik Tablo Hücrelerini Biçimlendirme
Bu makalede, şunları gösterecektir:
- Verileri hızlı bir şekilde biçimlendirmek için stilleri kullanma.
- Satır ve sütunlardaki hücreleri biçimlendirme.
- Verileri vurgulamak için sınırlar ve renkler kullanma.
- Verileri vurgulamak için sayı biçimleri uygulama.
- Verileri vurgulamak için fontları ve özellikleri kullanın.
- Adlandırılmış bir aralıktaki verileri biçimlendirin.
- Veri hizalamasını ve yönlendirmesini değiştirin.
- Satır yüksekliğini ve sütun genişliğini ayarlayın.
Örnek proje tüm bu görevleri gerçekleştirir ve geliştiricilere bir çalışma kitabı oluşturmanın, veri eklemenin ve Aspose.Cells kullanarak biçimlendirme uygulamanın detaylı bir açıklamasını sağlar.
Veri Biçimlendirme
Biçimlendirme, farklı bilgi türleri arasında ayrım yapmak ve veriyi açıkça göstermek için kullanılır.
Bir biçim, bir stil temsil eder ve fontlar, font boyutları, numara biçimleri, hücre kenarları, hücre gölgelendirmesi, girinti, hizalama ve metin yönlendirmesi gibi özelliklerden oluşan bir dizi olarak tanımlanır. Kenarlar, bilgiyi vurgulamanın daha fazla yolunu sağlar. Bir kenar, bir hücrenin veya bir hücre grubunun etrafına çizilen bir çizgidir.
Numara biçimleri de veriyi daha anlamlı hale getirir. Farklı numara biçimleri uygulayarak, görünümü değiştirebilirsiniz ancak sayıyı değiştirmemiş olursunuz.
Aspose.Cells, hücrelerin etrafına kolayca kenarlar çizmenize izin verir ve aynı zamanda fontları uygulamanıza ve hücreleri gölgelendirmenize olanak tanır. Bileşen yeterince verimlidir, böylece bir satır veya sütunun tümünü biçimlendirebilir, hizalama yapabilir, metni sarmalayabilir ve hücrelerde döndürebilirsiniz. Aspose.Cells ayrıca Microsoft Excel tarafından desteklenen tüm numara biçimlerini de destekler.
Bu makale, Visual Studio.Net’te yıllık bir satış raporu oluşturan bir konsol uygulaması nasıl oluşturulacağını göstermektedir. Çalışma kitabı sıfırdan oluşturulur, ardından veri eklenir ve çalışma sayfası biçimlendirilir. Basit bir konsol uygulaması oluşturmayı, bir Excel çalışma kitabı oluşturmayı (ayrıca bir şablon dosyası da kullanabilirsiniz), satış verilerini ilk çalışma sayfasına eklemeyi, veriyi biçimlendirmeyi ve bir Excel dosyasını kaydetmeyi gösteriyoruz.
Çalışma sayfası oluşturmak ve çalışma sayfasının farklı satırlarındaki ve sütunlarındaki farklı hücreleri biçimlendirmek için izlenen adımlar aşağıda verilmiştir.
- Aspose.Cells’i indirin ve kurun:
- İndir Aspose.Cells for .NET.
- Geliştirme bilgisayarınıza kurun.
- Bir proje oluşturun ve referanslara ekleyin:
- Visual Studio.Net’i başlatın.
- Yeni bir konsol uygulaması oluşturun.
- Proje için Aspose.Cells’e bir referans ekleyin, örneğin …\Program Files\Aspose\Aspose.Cells\Bin\Net1.0\Aspose.Cells.dll
- Aşağıdaki kodu projeye ekleyin:
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
/// <summary> | |
/// AsposeFormatWorksheet | |
/// Use Aspose.Cells to perform the task | |
/// </summary> | |
class FormatWorksheetCells | |
{ | |
/// <summary> | |
/// The main entry point for the application. | |
/// </summary> | |
[STAThread] | |
public static void Run() | |
{ | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); | |
string filename = dataDir + "FormatWorksheet.xls"; | |
CreateSalesReport(filename); | |
} | |
private static void CreateSalesReport(string filename) | |
{ | |
/* | |
* Uncomment the code below when you have purchased license | |
* for Aspose.Cells. You need to deploy the license in the | |
* same folder as your executable, alternatively you can add | |
* the license file as an embedded resource to your project. | |
*/ | |
Aspose.Cells.License cellsLicense = new | |
Aspose.Cells.License(); | |
cellsLicense.SetLicense("Aspose.Cells.lic"); | |
// Create a new Workbook. | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); | |
/* | |
* Note: Since Excel color palette has 56 colors on it. | |
* The colors are indexed 0-55. | |
* Please check: http:// | |
* If a color is not present on the palette, we have to add it | |
* To the palette, so that we may use. | |
* Add a few custom colors to the palette. | |
*/ | |
workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(155, 204, 255), 55); | |
workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(0, 51, 105), 54); | |
workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(250, 250, 200), 53); | |
workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(124, 199, 72), 52); | |
CreateReportData(workbook); | |
CreateCellsFormatting(workbook); | |
// Get the first worksheet in the book. | |
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; | |
// Name the worksheet. | |
worksheet.Name = "Sales Report"; | |
// Save the excel file. | |
workbook.Save(filename); | |
} | |
private static void CreateReportData(Workbook workbook) | |
{ | |
// Obtain the cells of the first worksheet. | |
Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells; | |
// Input the title on B1 cell. | |
cells["B1"].PutValue("Western Product Sales 2006"); | |
// Insert some column headings in the second row. | |
Cell cell = cells["B2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("January"); | |
cell = cells["C2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("February"); | |
cell = cells["D2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("March"); | |
cell = cells["E2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("April"); | |
cell = cells["F2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("May"); | |
cell = cells["G2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("June"); | |
cell = cells["H2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("July"); | |
cell = cells["I2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("August"); | |
cell = cells["J2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("September"); | |
cell = cells["K2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("October"); | |
cell = cells["L2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("November"); | |
cell = cells["M2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("December"); | |
cell = cells["N2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("Total"); | |
// Insert product names. | |
cells["A3"].PutValue("Biscuits"); | |
cells["A4"].PutValue("Coffee"); | |
cells["A5"].PutValue("Tofu"); | |
cells["A6"].PutValue("Ikura"); | |
cells["A7"].PutValue("Choclade"); | |
cells["A8"].PutValue("Maxilaku"); | |
cells["A9"].PutValue("Scones"); | |
cells["A10"].PutValue("Sauce"); | |
cells["A11"].PutValue("Syrup"); | |
cells["A12"].PutValue("Spegesild"); | |
cells["A13"].PutValue("Filo Mix"); | |
cells["A14"].PutValue("Pears"); | |
cells["A15"].PutValue("Konbu"); | |
cells["A16"].PutValue("Kaviar"); | |
cells["A17"].PutValue("Zaanse"); | |
cells["A18"].PutValue("Cabrales"); | |
cells["A19"].PutValue("Gnocchi"); | |
cells["A20"].PutValue("Wimmers"); | |
cells["A21"].PutValue("Breads"); | |
cells["A22"].PutValue("Lager"); | |
cells["A23"].PutValue("Gravad"); | |
cells["A24"].PutValue("Telino"); | |
cells["A25"].PutValue("Pavlova"); | |
cells["A26"].PutValue("Total"); | |
// Input porduct sales data (B3:M25). | |
cells["B3"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["C3"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["D3"].PutValue(6010); | |
cells["E3"].PutValue(7230); | |
cells["F3"].PutValue(5400); | |
cells["G3"].PutValue(5030); | |
cells["H3"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I3"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["J3"].PutValue(9000); | |
cells["K3"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["L3"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["M3"].PutValue(5510); | |
cells["B4"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["C4"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["D4"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["E4"].PutValue(5300); | |
cells["F4"].PutValue(7400); | |
cells["G4"].PutValue(7030); | |
cells["H4"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["I4"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["J4"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["K4"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["L4"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["M4"].PutValue(2510); | |
cells["B5"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C5"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["D5"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["E5"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["F5"].PutValue(3400); | |
cells["G5"].PutValue(4030); | |
cells["H5"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["I5"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["J5"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["K5"].PutValue(2200); | |
cells["L5"].PutValue(2100); | |
cells["M5"].PutValue(2310); | |
cells["B6"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["C6"].PutValue(1300); | |
cells["D6"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["E6"].PutValue(2600); | |
cells["F6"].PutValue(5400); | |
cells["G6"].PutValue(2030); | |
cells["H6"].PutValue(2100); | |
cells["I6"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["J6"].PutValue(6500); | |
cells["K6"].PutValue(5600); | |
cells["L6"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["M6"].PutValue(5110); | |
cells["B7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["C7"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["D7"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["E7"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["F7"].PutValue(5400); | |
cells["G7"].PutValue(2030); | |
cells["H7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["J7"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["K7"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["L7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["M7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["B8"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["C8"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["D8"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["E8"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["F8"].PutValue(5400); | |
cells["G8"].PutValue(5030); | |
cells["H8"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["I8"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["J8"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["K8"].PutValue(5200); | |
cells["L8"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["M8"].PutValue(2510); | |
cells["B9"].PutValue(4100); | |
cells["C9"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["D9"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["E9"].PutValue(2300); | |
cells["F9"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["G9"].PutValue(4030); | |
cells["H9"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["I9"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["J9"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["K9"].PutValue(4300); | |
cells["L9"].PutValue(2300); | |
cells["M9"].PutValue(2110); | |
cells["B10"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C10"].PutValue(2300); | |
cells["D10"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["E10"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["F10"].PutValue(3400); | |
cells["G10"].PutValue(3030); | |
cells["H10"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I10"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["J10"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["K10"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["L10"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["M10"].PutValue(3510); | |
cells["B11"].PutValue(4400); | |
cells["C11"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["D11"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["E11"].PutValue(4300); | |
cells["F11"].PutValue(4400); | |
cells["G11"].PutValue(4030); | |
cells["H11"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["I11"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["J11"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["K11"].PutValue(4400); | |
cells["L11"].PutValue(4400); | |
cells["M11"].PutValue(4510); | |
cells["B12"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C12"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["D12"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["E12"].PutValue(2300); | |
cells["F12"].PutValue(3400); | |
cells["G12"].PutValue(3030); | |
cells["H12"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I12"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["J12"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["K12"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["L12"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["M12"].PutValue(5110); | |
cells["B13"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["C13"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["D13"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["E13"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["F13"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["G13"].PutValue(3730); | |
cells["H13"].PutValue(3800); | |
cells["I13"].PutValue(3600); | |
cells["J13"].PutValue(2600); | |
cells["K13"].PutValue(4600); | |
cells["L13"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["M13"].PutValue(2660); | |
cells["B14"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["C14"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["D14"].PutValue(3333); | |
cells["E14"].PutValue(2330); | |
cells["F14"].PutValue(3430); | |
cells["G14"].PutValue(3040); | |
cells["H14"].PutValue(3040); | |
cells["I14"].PutValue(3030); | |
cells["J14"].PutValue(1509); | |
cells["K14"].PutValue(4503); | |
cells["L14"].PutValue(1503); | |
cells["M14"].PutValue(3113); | |
cells["B15"].PutValue(2010); | |
cells["C15"].PutValue(1520); | |
cells["D15"].PutValue(3030); | |
cells["E15"].PutValue(2320); | |
cells["F15"].PutValue(3410); | |
cells["G15"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["H15"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I15"].PutValue(3020); | |
cells["J15"].PutValue(2520); | |
cells["K15"].PutValue(2520); | |
cells["L15"].PutValue(1520); | |
cells["M15"].PutValue(5120); | |
cells["B16"].PutValue(2220); | |
cells["C16"].PutValue(1200); | |
cells["D16"].PutValue(3220); | |
cells["E16"].PutValue(1320); | |
cells["F16"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["G16"].PutValue(1030); | |
cells["H16"].PutValue(3200); | |
cells["I16"].PutValue(3020); | |
cells["J16"].PutValue(2100); | |
cells["K16"].PutValue(2100); | |
cells["L16"].PutValue(1100); | |
cells["M16"].PutValue(5210); | |
cells["B17"].PutValue(1444); | |
cells["C17"].PutValue(1540); | |
cells["D17"].PutValue(3040); | |
cells["E17"].PutValue(2340); | |
cells["F17"].PutValue(1440); | |
cells["G17"].PutValue(1030); | |
cells["H17"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I17"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["J17"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["K17"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["L17"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["M17"].PutValue(5550); | |
cells["B18"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["C18"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["D18"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["E18"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["F18"].PutValue(3330); | |
cells["G18"].PutValue(5330); | |
cells["H18"].PutValue(3400); | |
cells["I18"].PutValue(3040); | |
cells["J18"].PutValue(2540); | |
cells["K18"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["L18"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["M18"].PutValue(2110); | |
cells["B19"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C19"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["D19"].PutValue(3200); | |
cells["E19"].PutValue(3200); | |
cells["F19"].PutValue(2330); | |
cells["G19"].PutValue(5230); | |
cells["H19"].PutValue(2400); | |
cells["I19"].PutValue(3240); | |
cells["J19"].PutValue(2240); | |
cells["K19"].PutValue(4300); | |
cells["L19"].PutValue(4100); | |
cells["M19"].PutValue(2310); | |
cells["B20"].PutValue(7000); | |
cells["C20"].PutValue(8500); | |
cells["D20"].PutValue(8000); | |
cells["E20"].PutValue(5300); | |
cells["F20"].PutValue(6330); | |
cells["G20"].PutValue(7330); | |
cells["H20"].PutValue(3600); | |
cells["I20"].PutValue(3940); | |
cells["J20"].PutValue(2940); | |
cells["K20"].PutValue(4600); | |
cells["L20"].PutValue(6500); | |
cells["M20"].PutValue(8710); | |
cells["B21"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["C21"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["D21"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["E21"].PutValue(2200); | |
cells["F21"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["G21"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["H21"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I21"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["J21"].PutValue(4330); | |
cells["K21"].PutValue(4420); | |
cells["L21"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["M21"].PutValue(1330); | |
cells["B22"].PutValue(2050); | |
cells["C22"].PutValue(3520); | |
cells["D22"].PutValue(1030); | |
cells["E22"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["F22"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["G22"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["H22"].PutValue(2010); | |
cells["I22"].PutValue(2210); | |
cells["J22"].PutValue(2230); | |
cells["K22"].PutValue(4240); | |
cells["L22"].PutValue(3330); | |
cells["M22"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["B23"].PutValue(1222); | |
cells["C23"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["D23"].PutValue(3020); | |
cells["E23"].PutValue(2770); | |
cells["F23"].PutValue(3011); | |
cells["G23"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["H23"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["I23"].PutValue(9000); | |
cells["J23"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["K23"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["L23"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["M23"].PutValue(6333); | |
cells["B24"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["C24"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["D24"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["E24"].PutValue(1300); | |
cells["F24"].PutValue(1330); | |
cells["G24"].PutValue(1390); | |
cells["H24"].PutValue(1600); | |
cells["I24"].PutValue(1900); | |
cells["J24"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["K24"].PutValue(1650); | |
cells["L24"].PutValue(1520); | |
cells["M24"].PutValue(1910); | |
cells["B25"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C25"].PutValue(6600); | |
cells["D25"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["E25"].PutValue(8300); | |
cells["F25"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["G25"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["H25"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["I25"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["J25"].PutValue(7000); | |
cells["K25"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["L25"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["M25"].PutValue(5500); | |
// Add Monthwise Summary formulas. | |
cells["B26"].Formula = "=SUM(B3:B25)"; | |
cells["C26"].Formula = "=SUM(C3:C25)"; | |
cells["D26"].Formula = "=SUM(D3:D25)"; | |
cells["E26"].Formula = "=SUM(E3:E25)"; | |
cells["F26"].Formula = "=SUM(F3:F25)"; | |
cells["G26"].Formula = "=SUM(G3:G25)"; | |
cells["H26"].Formula = "=SUM(H3:H25)"; | |
cells["I26"].Formula = "=SUM(I3:I25)"; | |
cells["J26"].Formula = "=SUM(J3:J25)"; | |
cells["K26"].Formula = "=SUM(K3:K25)"; | |
cells["L26"].Formula = "=SUM(L3:L25)"; | |
cells["M26"].Formula = "=SUM(M3:M25)"; | |
// Add Productwise Summary formulas. | |
cells["N3"].Formula = "=SUM(B3:M3)"; | |
cells["N4"].Formula = "=SUM(B4:M4)"; | |
cells["N5"].Formula = "=SUM(B5:M5)"; | |
cells["N6"].Formula = "=SUM(B6:M6)"; | |
cells["N7"].Formula = "=SUM(B7:M7)"; | |
cells["N8"].Formula = "=SUM(B8:M8)"; | |
cells["N9"].Formula = "=SUM(B9:M9)"; | |
cells["N10"].Formula = "=SUM(B10:M10)"; | |
cells["N11"].Formula = "=SUM(B11:M11)"; | |
cells["N12"].Formula = "=SUM(B12:M12)"; | |
cells["N13"].Formula = "=SUM(B13:M13)"; | |
cells["N14"].Formula = "=SUM(B14:M14)"; | |
cells["N15"].Formula = "=SUM(B15:M15)"; | |
cells["N16"].Formula = "=SUM(B16:M16)"; | |
cells["N17"].Formula = "=SUM(B17:M17)"; | |
cells["N18"].Formula = "=SUM(B18:M18)"; | |
cells["N19"].Formula = "=SUM(B19:M19)"; | |
cells["N20"].Formula = "=SUM(B20:M20)"; | |
cells["N21"].Formula = "=SUM(B21:M21)"; | |
cells["N22"].Formula = "=SUM(B22:M22)"; | |
cells["N23"].Formula = "=SUM(B23:M23)"; | |
cells["N24"].Formula = "=SUM(B24:M24)"; | |
cells["N25"].Formula = "=SUM(B25:M25)"; | |
// Add Grand Total. | |
cells["N26"].Formula = "=SUM(N3:N25)"; | |
} | |
private static void CreateCellsFormatting(Workbook workbook) | |
{ | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl0 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set a custom shading color of the cells. | |
stl0.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(155, 204, 255); | |
stl0.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
stl0.Font.Name = "Trebuchet MS"; | |
stl0.Font.Size = 18; | |
stl0.Font.Color = Color.Maroon; | |
stl0.Font.IsBold = true; | |
stl0.Font.IsItalic = true; | |
// Define a style flag struct. | |
StyleFlag flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.FontName = true; | |
flag.FontSize = true; | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.FontBold = true; | |
flag.FontItalic = true; | |
// Get the first row in the first worksheet. | |
Row row = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.Rows[0]; | |
// Apply the style to it. | |
row.ApplyStyle(stl0, flag); | |
// Obtain the cells of the first worksheet. | |
Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells; | |
// Set the height of the first row. | |
cells.SetRowHeight(0, 30); | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl1 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the rotation angle of the text. | |
stl1.RotationAngle = 45; | |
// Set the custom fill color of the cells. | |
stl1.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 51, 105); | |
stl1.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
stl1.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; | |
stl1.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].Color = Color.White; | |
stl1.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center; | |
stl1.VerticalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center; | |
stl1.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"; | |
stl1.Font.Size = 10; | |
stl1.Font.Color = Color.White; | |
stl1.Font.IsBold = true; | |
// Set a style flag struct. | |
flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.LeftBorder = true; | |
flag.Rotation = true; | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.HorizontalAlignment = true; | |
flag.VerticalAlignment = true; | |
flag.FontName = true; | |
flag.FontSize = true; | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.FontBold = true; | |
row = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.Rows[1]; | |
// Apply the style to it. | |
row.ApplyStyle(stl1, flag); | |
// Set the height of the second row. | |
cells.SetRowHeight(1, 48); | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl2 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the custom cell shading color. | |
stl2.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(155, 204, 255); | |
stl2.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
stl2.Font.Name = "Trebuchet MS"; | |
stl2.Font.Color = Color.Maroon; | |
stl2.Font.Size = 10; | |
flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.FontName = true; | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.FontSize = true; | |
// Get the first column in the first worksheet. | |
Column col = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.Columns[0]; | |
// Apply the style to it. | |
col.ApplyStyle(stl2, flag); | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl3 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the custom cell filling color. | |
stl3.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(124, 199, 72); | |
stl3.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
cells["A2"].SetStyle(stl3); | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl4 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the custom font text color. | |
stl4.Font.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 51, 105); | |
stl4.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; | |
stl4.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].Color = Color.FromArgb(124, 199, 72); | |
stl4.ForegroundColor = Color.White; | |
stl4.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
// Set custom number format. | |
stl4.Custom = "$#,##0.0"; | |
// Set a style flag struct. | |
flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.NumberFormat = true; | |
flag.BottomBorder = true; | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl5 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
stl5.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; | |
stl5.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].Color = Color.FromArgb(124, 199, 72); | |
stl5.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(250, 250, 200); | |
stl5.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
// Set custom number format. | |
stl5.Custom = "$#,##0.0"; | |
stl5.Font.Color = Color.Maroon; | |
// Create a named range of cells (B3:M25)in the first worksheet. | |
Range range = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.CreateRange("B3", "M25"); | |
// Name the range. | |
range.Name = "MyRange"; | |
// Apply the style to cells in the named range. | |
range.ApplyStyle(stl4, flag); | |
// Apply different style to alternative rows in the range. | |
for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++) | |
{ | |
for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) | |
{ | |
if (i % 2 == 0) | |
{ | |
range[i, j].SetStyle(stl5); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl6 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the custom fill color of the cells. | |
stl6.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 51, 105); | |
stl6.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
stl6.Font.Name = "Arial"; | |
stl6.Font.Size = 10; | |
stl6.Font.Color = Color.White; | |
stl6.Font.IsBold = true; | |
// Set the custom number format. | |
stl6.Custom = "$#,##0.0"; | |
// Set the style flag struct. | |
flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.FontName = true; | |
flag.FontSize = true; | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.FontBold = true; | |
flag.NumberFormat = true; | |
// Get the 26th row in the first worksheet which produces totals. | |
row = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.Rows[25]; | |
// Apply the style to it. | |
row.ApplyStyle(stl6, flag); | |
// Now apply this style to those cells (N3:N25) which has productwise sales totals. | |
for (int i = 2; i < 25; i++) | |
{ | |
cells[i, 13].SetStyle(stl6); | |
} | |
// Set N column's width to fit the contents. | |
workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.SetColumnWidth(13, 9.33); | |
} | |
} |