Verify that Cell Value Satisfies Data Validation Rules


Aspose.Cells provides the Cell.GetValidationValue() method to validate cell values programmatically. If the value in a cell does not satisfy the data validation rule applied to that cell, it returns False, else True.

The following sample code illustrates how the Cell.GetValidationValue() method works. First, it enters the value 3 into C1. Because this does not satisfy the data validation rule, the Cell.GetValidationValue() method returns False. Then, it enters the value 15 into C1. Because this value satisfies the data validation rule, the Cell.GetValidationValue() method returns True. Similarly, it returns False for value 30.


 Is 3 a Valid Value for this Cell: False

Is 15 a Valid Value for this Cell: True

Is 30 a Valid Value for this Cell: False