Add Figures Annotations using C++

Add Square or Circle Annotations

Square and Circle annotations shall display, respectively, a rectangle or an ellipse on the page. When opened, they shall display a pop-up window containing the text of the associated note. Square annotations are like Circle annotations (instances of the Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.CircleAnnotation class) apart from the shape.

Steps for creating Square and Circle Annotations:

  1. Load the PDF file - new Document.
  2. Create a Circle Annotation and set Circle parameters (new Rectangle, title, color, InteriorColor, Opacity).
  3. Create a new PopupAnnotation.
  4. Next we need to create Square Annotation.
  5. Set the same Square parameters (new Rectangle, title, color, InteriorColor, Opacity).
  6. After we need to Add Square and Circle Annotations to the page.

The following code snippet shows you how to add Circle Annotations in a PDF page.

void ShapesAnnotations::AddCircleAnnotation() {

    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");

    // Load the PDF file
    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + u"appartments.pdf");
    auto page = document->get_Pages()->idx_get(1);

    // Create Circle Annotation
    auto circleAnnotation = MakeObject<CircleAnnotation>(page, MakeObject<Rectangle>(270, 160, 483, 383));
    circleAnnotation->set_Title(u"John Smith");
    circleAnnotation->set_Popup(MakeObject<PopupAnnotation>(page, MakeObject<Rectangle>(842, 316, 1021, 459)));

    // Create Square Annotation
    auto squareAnnotation = MakeObject<SquareAnnotation>(page, MakeObject<Rectangle>(67, 317, 261, 459));
    squareAnnotation->set_Title(u"John Smith");
    squareAnnotation->set_Popup(MakeObject<PopupAnnotation>(page, MakeObject<Rectangle>(842, 196, 1021, 338)));

    // Add annotation to the page
    document->Save(_dataDir + u"appartments_mod.pdf");

As an example, we will see the following result of adding Square and Circle annotations to a PDF document:

Circle and Square Annotation demo

Get Circle Annotation

Please try using the following code snippet to Get Circle Annotation from PDF document.

void ShapesAnnotations::GetCircleAnnotation() {

    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");

    // Load the PDF file
    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + u"appartments_mod.pdf");
    auto page = document->get_Pages()->idx_get(1);

    auto annotationSelector = MakeObject<AnnotationSelector>(
        new CircleAnnotation(page, Rectangle::get_Trivial()));

    auto circleAnnotations = annotationSelector->get_Selected();

    // print results
    for (auto ca : circleAnnotations) {

Delete Circle Annotation

The following code snippet shows how to Delete Circle Annotation from PDF file.

void ShapesAnnotations::DeleteCircleAnnotation() {

    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");

    // Load the PDF file
    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + u"appartments_mod.pdf");
    auto page = document->get_Pages()->idx_get(1);

    auto annotationSelector = MakeObject<AnnotationSelector>(
        new CircleAnnotation(page, Rectangle::get_Trivial()));

    auto circleAnnotations = annotationSelector->get_Selected();

    for (auto ca : circleAnnotations) {
    document->Save(_dataDir + u"appartments_del.pdf");

Add Polygon and Polyline Annotations

The Polyline tool allows you to create shapes and outlines with an arbitrary number of sides on the document.

Polygon Annotations represent polygons on a page. They can have any number of vertices connected by straight lines.

Polyline Annotations are also similar to polygons, the only difference is that the first and last vertices are not implicitly connected.

Steps with which we create Polygon and Polyline annotations:

  1. Load the PDF file - new Document.
  2. Create new Polygon Annotation and set Polygon parameters (new Rectangle, new Points, title, color, InteriorColor and Opacity).
  3. Create a new PopupAnnotation.
  4. Next, Create a PolyLine Annotation and repeat all actions.
  5. After we can Add annotations to the page.

The following code snippet shows how to add Polygon and Polyline Annotations to a PDF file:

void ShapesAnnotations::AddPolygonAnnotation() {

    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");

    // Load the PDF file
    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + u"appartments.pdf");
    auto page = document->get_Pages()->idx_get(1);

    // Create Polygon Annotation
    auto points = MakeArray<System::SharedPtr<Point>>({
                 MakeObject<Point>(274, 381),
                 MakeObject<Point>(555, 381),
                 MakeObject<Point>(555, 304),
                 MakeObject<Point>(570, 304),
                 MakeObject<Point>(570, 195),
                 MakeObject<Point>(274, 195) });
    auto polygonAnnotation =
        MakeObject<Rectangle>(270, 193, 571, 383),

    polygonAnnotation->set_Title(u"John Smith");
    polygonAnnotation->set_Popup(MakeObject<PopupAnnotation>(page, MakeObject<Rectangle>(842, 196, 1021, 338)));

    // Create PoliLine Annotation
    auto polylineAnnotation = MakeObject<PolylineAnnotation>(page, MakeObject<Rectangle>(270, 193, 571, 383),
        MakeObject<Point>(545, 150),
        MakeObject<Point>(545, 190),
        MakeObject<Point>(667, 190),
        MakeObject<Point>(667, 110),
        MakeObject<Point>(626, 111)}));

    polygonAnnotation->set_Title(u"John Smith");
    polygonAnnotation->set_Popup(MakeObject<PopupAnnotation>(page, MakeObject<Rectangle>(842, 196, 1021, 338)));

    // Add annotation to the page
    document->Save(_dataDir + u"appartments_mod.pdf");

Get Polygon and Polyline Annotations

Please try using the following code snippet to Get Polygon and Polyline Annotations in PDF document.

void ShapesAnnotations::GetPolyAnnotation() {

    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");

    // Load the PDF file
    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + u"appartments_mod.pdf");
    auto page = document->get_Pages()->idx_get(1);

    auto annotationSelector = MakeObject<AnnotationSelector>(
        MakeObject<PolylineAnnotation>(page, Rectangle::get_Trivial(), nullptr));
    auto polyAnnotations = annotationSelector->get_Selected();

    for (auto pa : polyAnnotations) {
    Console::WriteLine(u"{0}", pa->get_Rect());

Delete Polygon and Polyline Annotations

The following code snippet shows how Delete Polygon and Polyline Annotations from a PDF file.

void ShapesAnnotations::DeletePolyAnnotation() {

    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");

    // Load the PDF file
    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + u"appartments_mod.pdf");
    auto page = document->get_Pages()->idx_get(1);

    auto annotationSelector = MakeObject<AnnotationSelector>(
        new PolylineAnnotation(page, Rectangle::get_Trivial(), nullptr));
    auto polyAnnotations = annotationSelector->get_Selected();

    for (auto pa : polyAnnotations) {

    document->Save(_dataDir + u"Appartments_del.pdf");

How to add Line Annotation into existing PDF file

The purpose of a Line Annotation is to display a single straight line on the page. When opened, it shall display a pop-up window containing the text of the associated note. This feature additional entries specific to a line annotation. These entries are encrypted in the form of letters, for example, LL, BS, IC, and so on.

Also, Line Annotation can include a caption to a line annotation, which is specified by setting Cap to true. The next feature allows the effect of applying a caption to a Line Annotation that has a leader offset. Also, this kind of annotation allows you to define Line ending styles.

Steps with which we create an Line annotation:

  1. Load the PDF file - new Document.
  2. Create new Line Annotation and set Line parameters (new Rectangle, new Point, title, color, width, StartingStyle and EndingStyle).
  3. Create a new PopupAnnotation
  4. After we can Add annotation to the page

The following code snippet shows how to add Line Annotation to a PDF file:

using namespace System;
using namespace Aspose::Pdf;
using namespace Aspose::Pdf::Text;

void AddLineAnnotation() {
    String _dataDir ("C:\\Samples\\");
    try {
        // Load the PDF file
        auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + u"appartments.pdf");
        auto page = document->get_Pages()->idx_get(1);

        // Create Line Annotation
        auto lineAnnotation = MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation>(
        page, new Rectangle(550, 93, 562, 439),
        new Point(556, 99), new Point(556, 443));

        lineAnnotation->set_Title(u"John Smith");
        lineAnnotation->set_Popup(MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::PopupAnnotation>(page, new Rectangle(842, 124, 1021, 266)));

        // Add annotation to the page
        document->Save(_dataDir + u"appartments_mod.pdf");
    catch (Exception ex) {

Get Line Annotation

Please try using the following code snippet to Get Line Annotation in PDF document.

void GetLineAnnotation() {
    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");
    // Load the PDF file
    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + u"appartments_mod.pdf");

    // Filter annotations using AnnotationSelector
    auto page = document->get_Pages()->idx_get(1);
    auto annotationSelector = MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector>(
        MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation>(page, Rectangle::get_Trivial(), Point::get_Trivial(), Point::get_Trivial()));
    auto lineAnnotations = annotationSelector->get_Selected();

    // print results
    for (auto la : lineAnnotations) {
        auto l = System::DynamicCast<Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation>(la);
        Console::WriteLine(u"[{0},{1}] [{2},{3}]",
            l->get_Ending()->get_X(), l->get_Ending()->get_Y());

Delete Line Annotation

The following code snippet shows how Delete Line Annotation from a PDF file.

void DeleteLineAnnotation() {

    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");
    // Load the PDF file
    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + u"appartments_mod.pdf");

    // Filter annotations using AnnotationSelector
    auto page = document->get_Pages()->idx_get(1);
    auto annotationSelector = MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::AnnotationSelector>(
        MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::Annotations::LineAnnotation>(page, Rectangle::get_Trivial(), Point::get_Trivial(), Point::get_Trivial()));

    auto lineAnnotations = annotationSelector->get_Selected();

    // print results
    for (auto la : lineAnnotations) {
    document->Save(_dataDir + u"appartments_del.pdf");

How to add Ink Annotation to PDF file

An Ink Annotation represents a freehand “scribble” composed of one or more disjoint paths. When opened, it shall display a pop-up window containing the text of the associated note.

The InkAnnotation represents freehand scribble composed of one or more disjoint points. Please try using the following code snippet to add InkAnnotation in PDF document.

void ShapesAnnotations::AddInkAnnotation() {

    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");

    // Load the PDF file
    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + u"appartments.pdf");
    auto page = document->get_Pages()->idx_get(1);

    auto arect = MakeObject<Rectangle>(320.086, 189.286, 384.75, 228.927);
    auto inkList = MakeObject<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SmartPtr<System::Array<System::SmartPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Point>>>>>();

    //data in ppts, received from a mouse or other pointing device
    double ppts[] = { 328.002, 222.017, 328.648, 222.017, 329.294, 222.017, 329.617, 222.34, 330.91, 222.663,
            331.556, 222.663, 332.203, 222.986, 333.495, 223.633, 334.141, 223.956, 334.788, 224.279, 335.434,
            224.602, 336.08, 224.602, 336.727, 224.925, 337.373, 225.248, 337.696, 225.248, 338.342, 225.572,
            338.989, 225.895, 341.897, 225.895, 343.513, 226.218, 346.098, 226.218, 348.683, 226.541, 350.622,
            226.541, 352.238, 226.541, 353.208, 226.541, 353.854, 226.541, 355.146, 226.541, 356.439, 226.541,
            357.732, 226.541, 358.378, 226.541, 359.024, 226.541, 360.64, 226.541, 361.286, 226.541, 361.933,
            226.541, 362.256, 226.541, 362.902, 226.541, 363.548, 226.541, 363.872, 226.541, 363.872, 226.218,
            365.164, 226.218, 365.487, 226.218, 365.811, 226.218, 367.103, 226.218, 367.749, 226.218, 368.719,
            226.218, 370.012, 226.218, 370.981, 226.218, 371.627, 226.218, 372.597, 225.895, 372.92, 225.895,
            373.243, 225.895, 373.243, 225.572, 373.566, 225.572, 374.213, 225.248, 374.536, 225.248, 375.182,
            224.602, 375.182, 224.279, 375.828, 223.956, 376.475, 223.31, 377.121, 222.986, 377.767, 222.986,
            378.414, 222.017, 379.383, 221.371, 379.706, 220.724, 380.029, 219.432, 380.676, 219.109, 380.676,
            218.462, 381.645, 217.493, 381.968, 217.17, 381.968, 216.523, 382.291, 215.554, 382.615, 215.231,
            382.615, 214.261, 382.938, 213.292, 382.938, 212.645, 382.938, 211.999, 382.938, 211.353, 382.938,
            210.707, 382.938, 209.737, 382.938, 208.768, 382.938, 208.444, 382.615, 207.475, 382.615, 206.829,
            382.291, 206.505, 382.291, 205.859, 381.968, 204.89, 381.968, 204.243, 381.645, 203.92, 380.999,
            203.274, 380.999, 202.951, 380.676, 202.305, 380.353, 201.658, 380.029, 201.335, 380.029, 200.689,
            380.029, 200.366, 379.383, 199.719, 379.06, 199.719, 378.737, 199.073, 377.767, 198.103, 377.121,
            197.780, 376.475, 197.457, 375.505, 196.488, 374.859, 196.165, 374.536, 195.841, 372.92, 195.195,
            371.951, 194.549, 370.658, 194.226, 368.719, 193.902, 367.426, 193.256, 366.457, 193.256, 363.872,
            192.933, 362.902, 192.933, 361.61, 192.61, 359.024, 192.61, 357.409, 192.61, 356.439, 192.61,
            353.531, 192.61, 352.561, 192.61, 350.945, 192.61, 349.007, 192.933, 348.36, 193.256, 347.391,
            193.256, 346.098, 193.902, 345.452, 193.902, 344.806, 193.902, 343.513, 193.902, 342.867, 193.902,
            342.220, 193.902, 341.574, 193.902, 341.251, 194.226, 340.928, 194.226, 340.928, 194.549, 340.605,
            194.549, 340.605, 194.872, 339.635, 195.195, 339.635, 195.518, 338.989, 195.518, 338.989, 195.841,
            338.666, 196.165, 338.019, 196.811, 338.019, 197.134, 337.373, 197.457, 336.404, 198.427, 335.757,
            198.427, 335.434, 198.75, 334.141, 199.719, 333.818, 199.719, 333.818, 200.042, 332.849, 200.366,
            332.203, 200.366, 331.556, 201.335, 330.91, 201.981, 330.587, 202.305, 330.264, 202.305, 329.294,
            202.628, 328.971, 202.951, 328.002, 203.274, 328.002, 203.597, 327.355, 204.243, 326.709, 204.567,
            326.386, 204.89, 326.063, 205.536, 325.416, 205.859, 325.093, 205.859, 324.447, 205.859, 324.124,
            206.182, 324.124, 206.505, 323.477, 206.829, 323.477, 207.152, 323.477, 207.798, 322.831, 207.798,
            322.831, 208.121, 322.831, 208.444, 322.508, 208.444, 322.508, 209.091, 322.185, 209.414, 322.185,
            209.737, 322.185, 210.383, 322.185, 211.03, 322.185, 211.353, 322.185, 211.676, 322.185, 212.322,
            323.154, 213.292, 323.154, 213.938, 324.447, 214.584, 325.093, 215.877, 325.416, 216.2, 325.416,
            216.846, 325.739, 217.17, 326.063, 217.493, 326.386, 218.139, 326.709, 218.139, 326.709, 218.462,
            327.032, 219.109, 327.032, 219.432, 327.032, 219.755, 327.355, 220.078, 327.355, 220.401, 327.678,
            221.371, 328.002, 221.371, 328.002, 222.017, 328.325, 222.663, 328.648, 222.663, 328.971, 222.986,
            329.294, 223.31, 329.617, 223.956, 329.617, 224.279 };
    auto points = MakeArray<System::SmartPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Point>>();
    //convert data to points

    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < _countof(ppts) / 2; i++, j += 2) {
        points->Add(MakeObject<Point>(ppts[j], ppts[j + 1]));
    auto ia = MakeObject<InkAnnotation>(page, arect, inkList);
    ia->set_Title(u"Aspose User");

    auto border = MakeObject<Border>(ia);

    document->Save(_dataDir + u"appartments_mod.pdf");

Get InkAnnotation

Please try using the following code snippet to Get InkAnnotation in PDF document.

void ShapesAnnotations::GetInkAnnotation() {

    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");

    // Load the PDF file
    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + u"appartments_mod.pdf");
    auto page = document->get_Pages()->idx_get(1);

    // Filter annotations using AnnotationSelector
    auto annotationSelector = MakeObject<AnnotationSelector>(
        MakeObject<InkAnnotation>(page, Rectangle::get_Trivial(), nullptr));
    auto inkAnnotations = annotationSelector->get_Selected();

    // print results
    for (auto ia : inkAnnotations) {

Delete InkAnnotation

The following code snippet shows how Delete InkAnnotation from a PDF file.

void ShapesAnnotations::DeleteInkAnnotation() {

    String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\");

    // Load the PDF file
    auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + u"appartments_mod.pdf");
    auto page = document->get_Pages()->idx_get(1);

    // Filter annotations using AnnotationSelector
    auto annotationSelector = MakeObject<AnnotationSelector>(
        MakeObject<InkAnnotation>(page, Rectangle::get_Trivial(), nullptr));
    auto InkAnnotations = annotationSelector->get_Selected();

    for (auto ca : InkAnnotations) {
    document->Save(_dataDir + u"appartments_del.pdf");