Chart Data Marker
Set Chart Marker Options
The markers can be set on chart data points inside particular series. In order to set chart marker options. Please follow the steps below:
- Instantiate Presentation class.
- Creating the default chart.
- Set the picture.
- Take first chart series.
- Add new data point.
- Write presentation to disk.
In the example given below, we have set the chart marker options on data points level.
import aspose.slides.charts as charts
import aspose.slides as slides
import aspose.pydrawing as draw
# Create an instance of Presentation class
with slides.Presentation() as presentation:
slide = presentation.slides[0]
# Creating the default chart
chart = slide.shapes.add_chart(charts.ChartType.LINE_WITH_MARKERS, 0, 0, 400, 400)
# Getting the default chart data worksheet index
defaultWorksheetIndex = 0
# Getting the chart data worksheet
fact = chart.chart_data.chart_data_workbook
# Delete demo series
# Add new series
chart.chart_data.series.add(fact.get_cell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 1, "Series 1"), chart.type)
# Set the picture
image1 = draw.Bitmap(path + "aspose-logo.jpg")
imgx1 = presentation.images.add_image(image1)
# Set the picture
image2 = draw.Bitmap(path + "Tulips.jpg")
imgx2 = presentation.images.add_image(image2)
# Take first chart series
series = chart.chart_data.series[0]
# Add new point (1:3) there.
point = series.data_points.add_data_point_for_line_series(fact.get_cell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 1, 4.5))
point.marker.format.fill.fill_type = slides.FillType.PICTURE
point.marker.format.fill.picture_fill_format.picture.image = imgx1
point = series.data_points.add_data_point_for_line_series(fact.get_cell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 1, 2.5))
point.marker.format.fill.fill_type = slides.FillType.PICTURE
point.marker.format.fill.picture_fill_format.picture.image = imgx2
point = series.data_points.add_data_point_for_line_series(fact.get_cell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 1, 3.5))
point.marker.format.fill.fill_type = slides.FillType.PICTURE
point.marker.format.fill.picture_fill_format.picture.image = imgx1
point = series.data_points.add_data_point_for_line_series(fact.get_cell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 4, 1, 4.5))
point.marker.format.fill.fill_type = slides.FillType.PICTURE
point.marker.format.fill.picture_fill_format.picture.image = imgx2
# Changing the chart series marker
series.marker.size = 15
# Write presentation to disk"MarkOptions_out.pptx", slides.export.SaveFormat.PPTX)