

本主题将描述一种简单的技术,以帮助开发人员无需使用内部 Id 即可找到幻灯片上的特定形状。重要的是要知道,PowerPoint 演示文稿文件没有其他方法来识别幻灯片上的形状,除了内部唯一 Id。开发人员似乎很难使用其内部唯一 Id 找到形状。所有添加到幻灯片的形状都有一些替代文本。我们建议开发人员使用替代文本来查找特定形状。您可以使用 MS PowerPoint 为您计划在未来更改的对象定义替代文本。

在设置任何所需形状的替代文本后,您可以使用 Aspose.Slides for C++ 打开该演示文稿并遍历添加到幻灯片的所有形状。在每次迭代中,您可以检查形状的替代文本,具有匹配替代文本的形状将是您所需的形状。为了更好地演示这种技术,我们创建了一个方法,FindShape,用于查找幻灯片中的特定形状,然后简简单单返回该形状。

For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-slides/Aspose.Slides-for-C
// The path to the documents directory.
const String outPath = u"../out/FindShapeInSlide_out.pptx";
const String templatePath = u"../templates/FindingShapeInSlide.pptx";
// Load the desired the presentation
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>(templatePath);
// Access first slide
SharedPtr<ISlide> slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
SharedPtr<IShape> shape = Aspose::Slides::Util::SlideUtil::FindShape(slide, u"Shape1");
if (shape != nullptr)
Console::WriteLine(u"Shape Name: " + shape->get_Name());
Console::WriteLine(u"Shape Alternative Tex: " + shape->get_AlternativeText());


要使用 Aspose.Slides for C++ 将形状克隆到幻灯片:

  1. 创建 Presentation 类的实例。
  2. 使用其索引获取幻灯片的引用。
  3. 访问源幻灯片的形状集合。
  4. 向演示文稿添加新幻灯片。
  5. 从源幻灯片形状集合克隆形状到新幻灯片。
  6. 将修改后的演示文稿保存为 PPTX 文件。


For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-slides/Aspose.Slides-for-C
// The path to the documents directory.
const String outPath = u"../out/CloneShapes_out.pptx";
const String templatePath = u"../templates/Source Frame.pptx";
// Load the desired the presentation
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>(templatePath);
// Access first slide
SharedPtr<ISlide> slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
// Accessing shapes collection for selected slide
SharedPtr<IShapeCollection> sourceShapes = slide->get_Shapes();
SharedPtr<ILayoutSlide> blankLayout = pres->get_Masters()->idx_get(0)->get_LayoutSlides()->GetByType(SlideLayoutType::Blank);
SharedPtr<ISlide> destSlide = pres->get_Slides()->AddEmptySlide(blankLayout);
SharedPtr<IShapeCollection> destShapes = destSlide->get_Shapes();
destShapes->AddClone(sourceShapes->idx_get(1), 50, 150 + sourceShapes->idx_get(0)->get_Height());
destShapes->InsertClone(0, sourceShapes->idx_get(0), 50, 150);
//Write the PPTX to Disk
pres->Save(outPath, Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);


Aspose.Slides for C++ 允许开发人员删除任何形状。要从任何幻灯片中删除形状,请遵循以下步骤:

  1. 创建 Presentation 类的实例。
  2. 访问第一张幻灯片。
  3. 找到具有特定替代文本的形状。
  4. 删除该形状。
  5. 将文件保存到磁盘。
For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-slides/Aspose.Slides-for-C
// The path to the documents directory.
const String outPath = u"../out/RemoveShape_out.pptx";
const String templatePath = u"../templates/ConnectorLineAngle.pptx";
// Load the desired the presentation
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>();
// Access first slide
SharedPtr<ISlide> slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
// Accessing shapes collection for selected slide
SharedPtr<IShapeCollection> shapes = slide->get_Shapes();
// Now create effect "PathFootball" for existing shape from scratch.
SharedPtr<IAutoShape> autoShape1 = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 50, 40, 150, 50);
SharedPtr<IAutoShape> autoShape2 = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Moon, 160, 40, 150, 50);
String alttext = u"User Defined";
int iCount = slide->get_Shapes()->get_Count();
for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
// Accessing the added shape
SharedPtr<Shape> ashape = DynamicCast<Aspose::Slides::Shape>(slide->get_Shapes()->idx_get(i));
if (String::Compare(ashape->get_AlternativeText(), alttext, StringComparison::Ordinal) == 0)
//Write the PPTX to Disk
pres->Save(outPath, Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);


Aspose.Slides for C++ 允许开发人员隐藏任何形状。要隐藏任何幻灯片中的形状,请遵循以下步骤:

  1. 创建 Presentation 类的实例。
  2. 访问第一张幻灯片。
  3. 找到具有特定替代文本的形状。
  4. 隐藏该形状。
  5. 将文件保存到磁盘。
For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-slides/Aspose.Slides-for-C
// The path to the documents directory.
const String outPath = u"../out/Hidingshapes_out.pptx";
const String templatePath = u"../templates/ConnectorLineAngle.pptx";
// Load the desired the presentation
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>();
// Access first slide
SharedPtr<ISlide> slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
// Accessing shapes collection for selected slide
SharedPtr<IShapeCollection> shapes = slide->get_Shapes();
// Now create effect "PathFootball" for existing shape from scratch.
SharedPtr<IAutoShape> autoShape1 = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 50, 40, 150, 50);
SharedPtr<IAutoShape> autoShape2 = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Moon, 160, 40, 150, 50);
String alttext = u"User Defined";
int iCount = slide->get_Shapes()->get_Count();
for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
// Accessing the added shape
SharedPtr<AutoShape> ashape = DynamicCast<Aspose::Slides::AutoShape>(slide->get_Shapes()->idx_get(i));
if (String::Compare(ashape->get_AlternativeText(), alttext, StringComparison::Ordinal) == 0)
//Write the PPTX to Disk
pres->Save(outPath, Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);


Aspose.Slides for C++ 允许开发人员重新排列形状。重新排列形状指定哪个形状在前面或哪个形状在后面。要从任何幻灯片中重新排列形状,请遵循以下步骤:

  1. 创建 Presentation 类的实例。
  2. 访问第一张幻灯片。
  3. 添加一个形状。
  4. 在形状的文本框中添加一些文本。
  5. 使用相同的坐标添加另一个形状。
  6. 重新排列形状。
  7. 将文件保存到磁盘。
For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-slides/Aspose.Slides-for-C
// The path to the documents directory.
const String outPath = u"../out/ChangeShapeOrder_out.pptx";
const String templatePath = u"../templates/HelloWorld.pptx";
// Load the desired the presentation
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>(templatePath);
// Access first slide
SharedPtr<ISlide> slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
// Add an AutoShape of Rectangle type
SharedPtr<IAutoShape> ashp = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 150, 75, 150, 50);
// Add TextFrame to the Rectangle
ashp->AddTextFrame(u" ");
// Accessing the text frame
SharedPtr<ITextFrame> txtFrame = ashp->get_TextFrame();
// Create the Paragraph object for text frame
SharedPtr<IParagraph> paragraph = txtFrame->get_Paragraphs()->idx_get(0);
// Create Portion object for paragraph
SharedPtr<IPortion> portion = paragraph->get_Portions()->idx_get(0);
portion->set_Text(u"Watermark Text Watermark Text Watermark Text");
//Adding another shape
SharedPtr<IAutoShape> ashape2 = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Triangle, 200, 365, 400, 150);
//Reorder shape
slide->get_Shapes()->Reorder(2, ashape2);
// Save PPTX to Disk
pres->Save(outPath, Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);

获取互操作形状 ID

Aspose.Slides for C++ 允许开发人员在幻灯片范围内获取唯一形状标识符,与允许在演示文稿范围内获取唯一标识符的 UniqueId 属性相反。 OfficeInteropShapeId 属性已分别添加到 IShape 接口和 Shape 类中。 OfficeInteropShapeId 属性返回的值对应于 Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Shape 对象的 Id 的值。下面给出了示例代码。

For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-slides/Aspose.Slides-for-C
// The path to the documents directory.
const String outPath = u"../out/FindShapeInSlide_out.pptx";
const String templatePath = u"../templates/FindingShapeInSlide.pptx";
// Load the desired the presentation
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>(templatePath);
long officeInteropShapeId = 0;
// Getting unique shape identifier in slide scope
// officeInteropShapeId = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->idx_get(0)->get_OfficeInteropShapeId();
Console::WriteLine(u"Office Interop Shape ID: " + officeInteropShapeId);


Aspose.Slides for C++ 允许开发人员设置任何形状的替代文本。要设置形状的替代文本,请遵循以下步骤:

  1. 创建 Presentation 类的实例。
  2. 访问第一张幻灯片。
  3. 向幻灯片添加任何形状。
  4. 对新添加的形状进行一些操作。
  5. 遍历形状以查找形状。
  6. 设置替代文本。
  7. 将文件保存到磁盘。
For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-slides/Aspose.Slides-for-C
// The path to the documents directory.
const String outPath = u"../out/SetAlternativeText_out.pptx";
const String templatePath = u"../templates/ConnectorLineAngle.pptx";
// Load the desired the presentation
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>();
// Access first slide
SharedPtr<ISlide> slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
// Accessing shapes collection for selected slide
SharedPtr<IShapeCollection> shapes = slide->get_Shapes();
// Now create effect "PathFootball" for existing shape from scratch.
SharedPtr<IAutoShape> autoShape1 = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 50, 40, 150, 50);
SharedPtr<IAutoShape> autoShape2 = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Moon, 160, 40, 150, 50);
String alttext = u"User Defined";
int iCount = slide->get_Shapes()->get_Count();
for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
// Accessing the added shape
SharedPtr<IShape> shape = slide->get_Shapes()->idx_get(i);
SharedPtr<AutoShape> ashape = DynamicCast<Aspose::Slides::AutoShape>(shape);
if (ashape != nullptr)
ashape->set_AlternativeText (u"User Defined " +(i+1));
//Write the PPTX to Disk
pres->Save(outPath, Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);


Aspose.Slides for C++ 允许开发人员访问形状的布局格式。 本文演示了如何访问形状的 FillFormatLineFormat 属性。


// The path to the documents directory.
const String outPath = u"../templates/pres.pptx";
//Instantiate Presentation class that represents PPTX file
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>();
for (int x = 0; x < pres->get_LayoutSlides()->get_Count(); x++)
SharedPtr<IShapeCollection> shapeCollection = pres->get_LayoutSlides()->idx_get(x)->get_Shapes();
for (int i = 0; i < shapeCollection->get_Count(); i++) {
SharedPtr<IShape> shape = shapeCollection->idx_get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < shapeCollection->get_Count(); j++) {
SharedPtr<IShape> shape = shapeCollection->idx_get(j);

将形状渲染为 SVG

现在 Aspose.Slides for C++ 支持将形状渲染为 SVG。 WriteAsSvg 方法(及其重载)已添加到 Shape 类和 IShape 接口中。 此方法允许将形状的内容保存为 SVG 文件。 下面的代码片段显示了如何将幻灯片的形状导出为 SVG 文件。

String outSvgFileName = u"SingleShape.svg";

auto pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(u"TestExportShapeToSvg.pptx");

auto stream = System::MakeObject<FileStream>(outSvgFileName, FileMode::Create, FileAccess::Write);


Aspose.Slides 允许按幻灯片边距或相互之间对齐形状。为此,添加了重载的 SlidesUtil.AlignShapes() 方法。 ShapesAlignmentType 枚举定义了可能的对齐选项。

示例 1

下面的源代码将索引 1、2 和 4 的形状沿幻灯片的上边界对齐。

SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(u"example.pptx");

SharedPtr<ISlide> slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
SharedPtr<IShape> shape1 = slide->get_Shapes()->idx_get(1);
SharedPtr<IShape> shape2 = slide->get_Shapes()->idx_get(2);
SharedPtr<IShape> shape3 = slide->get_Shapes()->idx_get(4);
SlideUtil::AlignShapes(ShapesAlignmentType::AlignTop, true, pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0), 

示例 2


SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>(u"example.pptx");
SlideUtil::AlignShapes(ShapesAlignmentType::AlignBottom, false, pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes());